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Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Minutes from the Community Council Meeting held on 2nd May 2018

Members present; chair Pam Freegard, Treasurer Bob Walter, IT Secretary Rob Williams, Brenda Arnold, Muhamed Chaudhry, John Clark, Violet Clark, John Freegard, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnson, Cluniford Mason.

Also present;  Gifty Tawiah - Broadgreen Centre Manager.

Apologies for Absence;  Diana Banner, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Pat Townsend, Roy Townsend, Bob Wedge.

Policing issues.
No one was available from Wiltshire Police but a report and statistics (attached) was read out by the chair.

Report and stats as attached.

04-04-18 to 02-05-18 reporting period.

year 2017year 2018
Criminal Damage24
Theft & Handling1812
Drug offences410
Dwelling Burglary30


I have been made aware of the groups that are sitting around the area and the broad green community centre. Regular patrols have been done but any help you can provide to identify any individuals will help us greatly to build up an intelligence picture.  Like I have said before, Although not all of them are doing anything wrong it is the small minority of them that give the rest a bad name.

If there is anything you feel I should be aware of and any areas that I should maybe concentrate on then feel free to let Pam know and she can email me your contact details or the issue you have raised.

Best Wishes


Police is an intelligence driven business and we would urge you to contact Wiltshire police on 101 if you have something you need to tell us.  Or alternatively email Community Co-ordinator PC 2415 Craig THOMPSON on craig.thompson@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk

Confirmation of the minutes from 4th April 2018.
Proposed; Rob Williams, Seconded;John Freegard, carried.

Confirmation of the minutes from 7th March 2018 (deferred from the previous meeting).
Proposed; Mo Chaudhry, Second; John Freegard, carried.

Confirmation of the treasurer's report from 7th March (deferred from the previous meeting).
Proposed; Mo Chaudhry, Seconded; Rob Williams, carried

Other matters arising from the April Minutes.
The chair reported that the suggested works for the games area (MUGA) at the community centre were now being priced by the parish council.

Broadgreen Street Food Festival - 16th June.
Gifty Tawiah reported that preparations were now well advanced. The bar licence and road closures had been approved but some details of the closures were yet to be finalised.  Publicity posters had been designed and would be ready for distribution.

Other business.
Concern was raised that Carfax St remained closed although there was no visible progress on demolishing the former health centre.  |The chair would consider writing to the Borough Council if no work was started soon.

Confirmation of the treasurer's report
Proposed; John Freegard, Seconded; Paul Izquierdo, carried

Treasurers statements for 06-06-2018.