4th May 1973 Registered as a charity.
The objects of the Community Council:
1) The community council is established for charitable objects and purposes only.
2) In particular The community council is established to promote the benefit of the inhabitants of the community council area and its immediate environs, without distinction of age, sex, race, political or religious or other opinions, by associating the statutory authorities, voluntary organisations, institutions, businesses and inhabitants in a common effort to advance education and develop facilities and opportunities in the interests of social well—being with the object of improving the environment and conditions of life of the inhabitants; and to promote all or any objects for the benefit of the community which now or hereafter may be deemed by law to be charitable.
The full BSACC constitution as of the 3rd September 2014.
AMENDED 14th July 1994, 1st December 2010, 3rd September 2014.