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Wednesday, 3 June 2015


MEMBERS PRESENT : Vice-Chair Pam Freegard, Secretary and Archivist Kevin Leakey, Treasurer John Freegard, Muhammad Chaudhry, Kate Johnson, Cluniford Mason, Ros Timlin, Roy Townsend, Bob Walter

ALSO PRESENT: PCSO Millarvie, PCSO Swindle, Frances Barrone - Town Centre Locality facilitator, Gavin Perry SBC Street Smart and resident, Cllr. B. Wright, Cllr. J. Wright

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Chair Karen Leakey, Diana Banner, John Clark, Vi Clark, Paul Izquierdo, Kay Malko, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Madge Sutton, Pat Townsend, Mark Walker, SBC Town Centre Locality Lead, PC Atkinson - Broad Street Area Beat Manager, PC Kuklinski - Vice Officer

CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES: 06 May 2015. These notes were confirmed and signed a true record. Proposed by Ros Timlin and seconded by Muhammad Chaudhry


NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE TEAM : PCSO's Millarvie and Swindle attended the meeting but had no monthly crime statistics to deliver.
PCSO Mervyn-Smith has now left the area and PCSO Swindle was introduced as his replacement. Both PCSO Millarvie and PCSO Swindle will be working on opposite shifts, therefore there should be a member of the Police Team on patrol in the area for much of the time. They will also shortly be issued with new communication equipment, meaning that they will not have to return to the Station during a shift.
There is a new Sergeant – Sgt. Neil Bott.

The following issues were raised and discussed -
Street drinkers generally around the area, in alleyway's and at the Broadgreen Centre park – The Police Team remove and dispose of their alcohol and move them on. The Duty Inspector can also use Section 35 dispersal powers to ban people, who are causing harassment or distress, from the area, for 24 hours. This has already been used in the Town Centre, causing people to move elsewhere. SBC are looking to bring in Public Protection Order which is hoped will include the Broadgreen Area.

Parking of vehicles on pavements and alleyway's throughout the area, Manchester Rd. still very bad despite being a no parking zone – The Police Team move on the illegally parked vehicles in Manchester Rd. They offered to invite SBC Parking Services to a future meeting.
Mo said that the Broad St. Mosque now held two prayer meetings on Friday's to help ease the parking problems. The Secretary said there were still parking problems and suggested that the Mosque may not be big enough to accommodate the number of people that wanted to attend, and it might be more helpful to all if a bigger site could be be found. Mo indicated that as they were part of the community, the Broadgreen Centre would make an ideal place for a new Mosque. Spitting in the streets – concerned that with the rise in TB, there is no longer a law preventing this.

The Police Team reiterated that it was very important that problems should be reported on the 101 phone number - Policing is an Intelligence driven business and the Police Team would urge you to contact Wiltshire Police on 101 if you have something you need to tell them. Alternatively email Community Beat Manager PC 2410 Luke ATKINSON on luke.atkinson@wilthire.pnn.police.uk


SENT – None



S/DEM/15/0739 - Carfax Street Multi-Storey Car Park (Carlton Car Park), Carfax Street SN1 1ED - Prior Notification for the proposed demolition of multi-storey car park - Application Pending Determination - Case Officer - Miss Rachael Adams
S/15/0473 - 139 Broad Street SN1 2DP - Change of use of part of ground floor from residential (Class C3) to travel agents (Class A1) - Application Refused - Case Officer - Mr Tom Buxton

S/PRIORC/15/0873 - Signal Point Station Road, SN1 1UY - Prior Approval Notification for the change of use of part of ground and first floors and floors two to twelve from offices (class B1(a)) to residential use (class C3) (136no. Flats) - Application Pending Determination - Case Officer - Mrs Janet Busby

Frances Barone. Town Centre Locality
Locality meeting – 7pm 17 June 2015 at Savernake Street hall.
Sewing group starting at Broadgreen Centre Thursday 11 June 2015 – 2 to 4pm
Free Shop and Broadgreen Centre – last Saturday of the month. 11Am to 1pm . Broadgreen Champions meeting will precede this.
Around £10,500 of time, investment and decorating has been generated to renovate the Broadgreen Centre so far. The next work will involve Probation refreshing the outside of the Broadgreen Centre on Saturday mornings, over the next three months.
Friends of Broadgreen Centre – Frances requested that the BSACC keep it on the agenda.

Councillors Report -
Councillor Julie Wright reported on/discussed the following -
Lunch clubs held at the Broadgreen Centre. Budget Bikes, Manchester Rd. problems with alleyway parking. County Ground car park - cars racing around late at night. Proposed plans for a new entrance/exit at Tesco – ongoing. Shop awnings. Alcohol licensing review at a Manchester Rd. shop.

The following issues and points were raised, discussed and reported
Rubbish in front gardens, fly tipping and general litter around the area.
Gavin said that after the next Free Shop, 27 June, he will be organising a litter pick around the Gladstone St/ Salisbury St area, residents are invited to help. If successful it will become a monthly event. It was also planned for a joint enforcement evening between SBC and the Police to take place.
Houses in multiple occupancy and overcrowding. Cllr. B. Wright talked about the issues surrounding this problem. Parking permits for newly converted houses into flats. Mo said he had recently been involved in a case where a house had been converted into flats, but SBC would not issue any extra parking permits other than what was allowed for the original house. When it was pointed out that as SBC were now taking two lots of Council Tax rather than one and were legally obliged to issue them, SBC backed down and extra parking permits were issued.
Dust concerns when Carlton Car Park is demolished.

The Secretary thanked the Vice-Chair for chairing the meeting, at very short notice.

Please also report problems directly to SBC Street Smart –
Tel: 01793 445501. Email: streetsmart@swindon.gov.uk

Meeting closed – 8.30pm