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Wednesday, 1 July 2015


MEMBERS PRESENT : Chair Karen Leakey, Vice-Chair Pam Freegard, Secretary and Archivist Kevin Leakey, Treasurer John Freegard, Muhammad Chaudhry, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnson, Cluniford Mason, Ros Timlin, Bob Walter

ALSO PRESENT: Mark Walker, SBC Town Centre Locality Lead, PC Atkinson - Broad Street Area Beat Manager, PCSO Swindle, Gavin Perry SBC Street Smart and resident,

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Diana Banner, John Clark, Vi Clark, Kay Malko, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Madge Sutton, Pat Townsend, Roy Townsend, PCSO Millarvie, Frances Barrone - Town Centre Locality facilitator, Cllr. B. Wright, Cllr. J. Wright

CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES: 03 June 2015. These notes were confirmed and signed a true record. Proposed by Pam Freegard and seconded by John Freegard


NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE TEAM : PC Atkinson and PCSO Swindle attended the meeting

NPT STATISTICS: 01 to 30 June 2015
Criminal damage –2 (2014 – 4)
Assaults – 7 (2014 – 14) (2/7 incidents of domestic violence)
Theft and Handling – 13 (2014 – 20) (9/13 relate to thefts from commercial premises)
Drugs Offences – 1 (2014 – 7)
Dwelling Burglary – 0 (2014 – 3)
Robbery – 0 (2014 – 0)

Year to date for June 2015 incidents of crime are vastly reduced across all crime groups compared to June 2015 figures. Pleasingly we have had no incidents of dwelling burglary or robbery in June.
In the 12 months up to June 2015 complaints of anti-social behaviour have reduced 2.2% compared to the 12 months up to June 2015. Although only a slight reduction this is still pleasing and equates to 350 calls relating to Anti-social behaviour compared to 358 in the previous year.

The Wiltshire Police CCTV van has been placed in the County Ground Car Park in response to a number of complaints from local residents about boy racers. Since this has been done there have been no further issues. Although this is not a long term solution to dealing with the problem we have been compiling vehicle registrations in partnership with Swindon Borough Council’s ASB team and will be sending letters warning prosecution will take place to all drivers of vehicles located causing ASB in the car park in recent weeks.
In line with seasonal ASB concerns from previous years we have increased patrols around the Broadgreen area to target alcohol related ASB. A recent positive result at a Licensing Review Panel against one of the off-licenses on Manchester Road will hopefully act as a precedent for the future.

Policing is an Intelligence driven business and the Police Team would urge you to contact Wiltshire Police on 101 if you have something you need to tell them. Alternatively email Community Beat Manager PC 2410 Luke ATKINSON on luke.atkinson@wilthire.pnn.police.uk


SENT – None

RECEIVED – Email Frances Barrone - short 5 week course 30 June to 28 July at Broadgreen Centre Tuesdays 9.15 to 11.15 'Recycled Art'. over 19's. Email Frances Barrone - reminder Free Shop last Saturday month, Champions meeting before, litter pick after.

S/15/0641 - 87 Manchester Road SN1 2AJ - Conversion of dwelling and single storey rear extension to form a shop with flat above - Application Pending Consideration - Case Officer - Mr Tom Buxton
S/ADV/15/0856 - Queenstown Car Park Turl Street - Display of signage advertising Kimmerfields office and residential development - Application Pending Determination - Case Officer - Mrs Janet Busby
S/15/0649 - Former Paragon Laundry Aylesbury Street - Continued use of land as a public car park for a further 2 year period in accordance with planning permission S/13/0301 - Application Granted - Case Officer - Mrs Janet Busby
S/15/0099 - 1-8 Manchester Road Swindon SN1 2AB - Installation of a flue - Application Granted - Case Officer - Mr Ian Halsall

TREASURERS REPORT - to 01 July 2015: John Freegard - The monthly Treasurers report was distributed to Members present - Proposed Muhammad Chaudhry - Seconded – Ros Timlin

Mark Walker - Town Centre Locality
Broadgreen Champions – continuing to grow the network – as part of this, 12 or so people helped with a community clean up around the Broadgreen Centre. It is hoped to continue with regular monthly clean ups, but possibly not on the same day as the Broadgreen Free Shop. Looking to publish a newsletter, outlining what and when work like this was happening, with the hope of getting more people involved in the area.
A resident is looking to organise a carnival for the area, to bring the different cultures together, but needed finance.
There could be a community cafe at the rear of the kitchen at the Broadgreen Centre, to be run by the Probation Service.
SBC has £260,000 to improve the County Ground Extension. Users and local residents will be consulted and it is hoped a draft Master Plan will be in place at the end of July. Possible ideas – improve the lighting, resurface the access road – rear of cricket ground, new changing rooms and kitchen facilities at the athletics track, a sand boules court and soft landscaping.
Mark will continue to lead on the partnership working programme in the Town Centre – with the Police and other partners that work in the area.
An application for a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO), to cover 6 or so streets in commercial area around Regent Street in the town centre, has been applied for – this will be 7 or 8 prohibition orders to come into effect in August 2015, eg - preventing skateboards/scooters being used – fixed penalty notices can be issued if it persists, street entertainers – Swindon has never had by-laws to stop this and to do so, they will now have to have permission, dog's will have to be on a lead and kept with the owners, they will not be allowed to be tied up outside of shops. This will allow the Police, SBC and other bodies to work together and use the powers to stop the problems. The idea is that other PSPO's will follow eg prevention of dog fowling across the whole of the Borough - £80 on the spot fine can be given out. Restrictions across all open public car parks to prevent people gathering and causing problems.
In Broadgreen there would be a separate PSPO to prevent some of the environmental issues and when the current DPPO expires early next year, there would be a continuation of no street drinking.

The following issues and points were raised, discussed and reported
The yellow van that has been parked in the same spot in Rosebery St. for some considerable time, has now gone. Paul thanked Mark Walker for the removal to the front of the property, of the shop bin that was on Rosebery St. Ros emailed Cllr. Ali with regards to issues around parking etc during Ramadan – Cllr. Ali made assurances that reminders to be courteous and respectful had gone out.
Residents Parking – there seems to be many more cars parked in the area – concerns that there is a lack of enforcement and since the new parking order covering the whole area has come into force, all of the residents parking signs have been removed and many cars are being parked without permits, as the owners have not seen the big signs on all of the junctions, and do not realise that there are parking restrictions.
It was agreed that the AGM would be held on Wednesday 02 September 2015.
The Chair gave written notice of her intention to step down as BSACC Chair at the forthcoming AGM.
The Secretary gave verbal notice of his intention to step down as BSACC Secretary at the forthcoming

The Treasurer gave verbal notice that he would not be standing again as BSACC Treasurer at the forthcoming AGM.
A discussion was held about the BSACC future and the soon to be vacant Officer positions.

Meeting closed – 7.55pm