Residents association for the Swindon Town Centre located, "Broad Street Area Community Council." And general stuff related to that.
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Wednesday, 5 August 2015
MEMBERS PRESENT : Chair Karen Leakey, Vice-Chair Pam Freegard, Secretary and Archivist Kevin Leakey, Treasurer John Freegard, Diana Banner, Muhammad Chaudhry, John Clark, Vi Clark, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnson, Cluniford Mason, Madge Sutton, Roy Townsend, Bob Walter
ALSO PRESENT: Residents – Brenda Arnold, Estella Carvalho, Aurora D'Nello, Bob Wedge, Robert Williams Frances Barrone - Town Centre Locality facilitator, PCSO Swindle, Cllr. B. Wright, Cllr. J. Wright
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Evelyn Mason, Ros Timlin, Pat Townsend, Mark Walker, SBC Town Centre Locality Lead, PC Atkinson - Broad Street Area Beat Manager, PCSO Millarvie
CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES: 01 July 2015. These notes were confirmed and signed a true record. Proposed by Pam Freegard and seconded by John Freegard
NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE TEAM : PCSO Swindle attended the meeting
Due to unforeseen circumstances, there were no monthly crime statistics available.
The following Police based issues were raised and discussed
Drunks congregating at the newly opened Turl Street car park. Groups of men hanging around the Manchester Road Bookmakers, on Streets for Living flower beds and in alleyways – drinking alcohol. Alleyways bring used as toilets – Police move them on, confiscate and pour away alcohol and take names.
Late night racing of cars around the County Ground car park – Operation Houston in progress, number plate details taken.
Policing is an Intelligence driven business and the Police Team would urge you to contact Wiltshire Police on 101 if you have something you need to tell them. Alternatively email Community Beat Manager PC 2410 Luke ATKINSON on
COUNCILLORS REPORT – Councillors B. Wright and J. Wright
The Councillors reported on the following -
Locality meeting – 29 September 2015 at Central Community Hall. Ongoing problems with boy-racers at the County Ground car park, Princes Street and Fleming Way – SBC, open space order on all Borough public car parks under consultation. Health Centre will be moving to Kimmerfields site – residents at Kimmerfields Court not want methadone to be given out from there. Noise being generated form the demolition of Carlton Street car park. There has been two action days in the area, involving two teams of councillors, Police and other Officers. Licensing Committee issues – Abbey's Manchester Road. Temporary awnings on shops – warning letters sent out. Future road alterations by railway station – will impact on Broadgreen, area will be used as a cut through.
SENT – None
Swindon Borough Council has published a Revised Draft Statement of Licensing Policy which sets out how the Licensing Authority will exercise its statutory licensing functions. The draft revised ‘Statement of Licensing Policy’ is intended to replace the existing policy adopted by Swindon Borough Council in 2011 and is subject to a period of formal consultation. Any representations on the document should be sent either in writing to the Licensing Manager, Swindon Borough Council, 5th Floor, Wat Tyler House (West), Beckhampton Street, Swindon, SN1 2JG, or by email to, to arrive no later than 5pm on 6th October 2015
Notice from Charities Commission – annual return 2015 can be completed now.
S/ADV/15/0856 - Queenstown Car Park Turl Street - Display of signage advertising Kimmerfields office and residential development - Application Granted - Case Officer - Mrs Janet Busby
S/15/0902 - Former Davis House Turl Street SN1 1EF - Change of use of land for temporary car park - Application Granted - Case Officer - Miss Rachael Adams
S/15/0930 - 8 Gooch Street SN1 2BA - Erection of a single storey rear extension - Application Granted - Case Officer - Miss Jane Rodens
S/15/0641 - 87 Manchester Road SN1 2AJ - Conversion of dwelling and single storey rear extension to form a shop with flat above - Application Refused - Case Officer - Mr Tom Buxton
TREASURERS REPORT to 05 August 2015 - John Freegard - The monthly Treasurers report was distributed to Members present - Proposed Muhammad Chaudhry - Seconded – Cluniford Mason
Frances Barrone - Town Centre Locality facilitator
Work is continuing on improving the Broadgreen Centre. Keen to involve more people – Broadgreen Community Champions. Play session – numbers growing. There is a person (Francisco Dourado) now based at the Centre who offers support to new people to the area, this service is often very busy and hectic.
The following issues and points were raised, discussed and reported
The Chair received a letter from a resident, concerned with the recent addition of gravel along the Salisbury Street boundary of the community centre – gravel is migrating onto the road, flying up from car tyres, it is also being thrown around by young people.
Brambles growing over the back of Stratton Bank at the County Ground.
Another temporary wooden 'shelter' is being put up on front of a new butchers shop in Manchester Road. Goods, possibly fish, is being sold from back of a van outside two shops in Broad Street – corner of Salisbury and Rosebery Streets.
Corporation Street, road markings direct traffic into Armstrong Street, rather than Manchester Road.
Hedge in Fleming Way, at the side of Medgbury Place, is growing right over path, making it difficult to walk past.
2015 AGM
Next month will be the Community Council AGM – all Committee positions and the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer positions are up for election.
If the soon to be vacant Officer positions are filled at the AGM, Pam will continue as Vice-Chair. If the Officer and Committee places are not filled at the AGM, there will be a meeting immediately following the AGM, to discuss the future of the community council and to vote on the dissolution of the BSACC.
Meeting closed – 8.15pm