MEMBERS PRESENT : Chair Karen Leakey, Secretary and Archivist Kevin Leakey, Muhammad Chaudhry, John Clark, Vi Clark, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnson, Mohammed Khan, Cluniford Mason, Madge Sutton, Ros Timlin, Roy Townsend, Bob Walter, Robert Williams
ALSO PRESENT: Brenda Arnold – resident, Eve Buckland – resident and Adver reporter, Frances Barone - Town Centre Locality facilitator
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Vice-Chair Pam Freegard, Treasurer John Freegard, Diana Banner, Kay Malko, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Pat Townsend, Mark Walker, SBC Town Centre Locality Lead, PC Atkinson - Broad Street Area Beat, Manager, PC Kuklinski - Vice Officer, PCSO Millarvie, PCSO Mervyn-Smith, Cllr. B. Wright, Cllr. J. Wright
CONFIRMATION OF THE NOTES: 01 April 2015 drop-in. These notes were confirmed and signed a true record. Proposed by Ros Timlin and seconded by Madge Sutton
There has been no changes concerning the van, parked in front of the shop at 21 Broad Street, being used to store rubbish, with a parking permit from another vehicle.
NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE TEAM : The Broadgreen Police Team forwarded their apologies as no one was available to attend the meeting.
Policing is an Intelligence driven business and the Police Team would urge you to contact Wiltshire Police on 101 if you have something you need to tell them. Alternatively email Community Beat Manager PC 2410 Luke ATKINSON on
SENT – None
RECEIVED – 2015/16 BSACC insurance documents
S/15/0641 - 87 Manchester Road SN1 2AJ - Conversion of dwelling and single storey rear extension to form a shop with flat above - Application Pending Consideration - Case Officer - Mr Tom Buxton
S/15/0649 - Former Paragon Laundry Aylesbury Street - Continued use of land as a public car park for a further 2 year period in accordance with planning permission S/13/0301 - Application Pending Consideration - Case Officer - Mrs Janet Busby
S/15/0099 - 1-8 Manchester Road Swindon SN1 2AB - Installation of a flue - Application Pending Consideration - Case Officer - Mr Ian Halsall
S/15/0237 - 175-176 Manchester Road SN1 1TU - Erection of a two storey rear extension and conversion to 4no. Flats - Application Granted - Case Officer - Miss Heather Carlisle
S/15/0057 - 54 Manchester Road SN1 2AG - Installation of an awning - Application Granted - Case Officer - Mrs Janet Busby
S/14/1597 - 1-8 Manchester Road SN1 2AB - Change of use from Class A1 (retail) to Sui Generis (laundrette) - Application Granted - Case Officer - Mr Ian Halsall
S/14/1595 - 1-8 Manchester Road SN1 2AB - Change of use from Shops (Class A1) to Restaurant/Cafe (Class A3) - Application Granted - Case Officer - Mr Ian Halsall
S/15/0413 - 142 Manchester Road SN1 2AF - Change of use from shop (Class A1) to cafe (Class A3) - Application Refused - Case Officer - Mrs Janet Busby
The following issues and points were raised, discussed and reported
Graffiti around the area – SBC will clear from properties for free. A disclaimer form has to be signed in case of damage to your property, once the disclaimer has been received SBC aim to remove graffiti within 28 days. Frances Barone said forms could be collected from the Broadgreen Centre.
Would there be a BSACC community day this year? - The Chair asked the meeting, if any Members would like to organise an event. No offers were forthcoming, however it was hoped that if the garden projects proceeded, they could become smaller community type days, if people became involved.
Can the meeting minutes be emailed out, prior to the monthly meetings – This was not something that had been done before, and not all Members had an email address.
Parking in Manchester Road – parking restrictions still being ignored.
Eve Buckland introduced herself as a resident of the area, but also an Adver reporter and was happy to chat about Broadgreen issues. It was put to Eve that the Adver never seemed to print any positive stories about Broadgreen and still regularly referred to it as a red light district , giving the impression that it was a seedy area, however most of the problems were actually caused by people that did not live here. This had a negative effect on residents.
Please also report problems directly to SBC Street Smart –
Tel: 01793 445501. Email:
Frances Barone. Town Centre Locality
Volunteer Street Champions – looking to put together a bi-monthly newsletter, could include info about how to report problems etc, as requested by the Chair.
The next Street Champion meeting will be held at 10am before the next Free Shop at the Broadgreen Centre (30th May).
There are about six volunteers Street Champions and after the elections a litter pick and other actions arre planned e.g. residents with graffiti on their property will be asked if they wanted it cleaned off.
Street Champions work is not only about the environment, but also about developing projects with the Broadgreen Centre, e.g. one person is doing Bollywood Dance taster sessions.
A playgroup has been set up for pre-school children in the Activities Room at Broadgreen Centre every Monday 12.30pm to 2.30pm – the cost of entry is by donation at the moment. This is a trial running up until the summer holidays and has been set up by local residents, it is hoped more families will become involved.
Frances is currently the temporary Broadgreen Centre Manager and is very keen to develop new projects for the community, at the Centre.
proposals and costs from Wiltshire Wildlife – project no longer part of Wiltshire Wildlife but a separate not for profit organisation 'The Nature Of It'.
Following a discussion about the cost of the proposals, much of it being for consultations, It was decided by a vote of 11 in favour of, and 5 abstentions, not to take up this quotation, but instead to work directly in partnership with SBC and Wiltshire Probation.
This will be a project that involved as many residents as wanted to help, it was also suggested that Corporate volunteers could be involved.
Each garden area will be tackled individually rather than one big project.
The Chair will set up a meeting with Mark Walker to look at the best way to take the project forward.
BSACC future
General agreement that the community council will continue but should look to diversify and evolve, as it is currently not working in an efficient way.
look at constitution to see if the BSACC can be a vehicle for other projects, e.g.. as a 'Friends of the Broadgreen Community Centre' Group. If something is not done and people did not work with SBC, the community centre will almost certainly go.
It was decided by a vote of 13 in favour of, and 2 abstentions, that the Community Council should evolve and should consider being involved in the future running of the Broadgreen Centre.
Meeting closed – 8.10pm
Residents association for the Swindon Town Centre located, "Broad Street Area Community Council." And general stuff related to that.
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Wednesday, 6 May 2015