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Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Minutes from the Community Council meting held on 6th June 2018

Members present; chair Pam Freegard, Treasurer Bob Walter, IT Secretary Robert Williams, Muhammad Chaudhry, John Clark, Violet Clark, John Freegard, Kate Johnson, Ismael Stevens, Bob Wedge.

Also present; Cllr  John Firmin (South #swindon Parish Council)
Gifty Tawiah (broadgreen Centre Manager)
Cllr Bob Wright (SBC)
Alan Brady (resident).

Apologies for Absence; Brenda Arnold, Paul Izquierdo, Cluniford Mason, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Roy Townsend, Pat Townsend.

Parish Council issues.
The improvement works at the Broadgreen Centre MUGA (games area) would go ahead subject to completion of the tendering procedure and approval at SSPC's next full meeting.  Concerns has been raised over potential damage to nearby parked cars from footballs.  However a consensus was reached that a decision on extra fencing to prevent this could be taken at a later date if still thought necessary.
SSPC was considering taking on extra rangers who could look after the planters at the community centre amongst other duties.
Cllr Firmin was asked if SSPC could do anything about the overhanging bramble behind the football ground in Shrivenham Rd backs.  Cllr Firmin would look into the issue and BSACC chair would give consideration to approaching STFC if this failed.

Confirmation of the minutes from 2nd May
Proposed; John Freegard, Seconded; Bob Wedge, carried.

Matters arrising from the minutes (not otherwise covered).
Demolition of the former Carfax St. health centre was in progress. Arequest from the chair to SBC to allow pedestrian access between Corporation St. and Carfax Close had received no response.  Cllr Firmin said SBC had communicated to SSPC on the issue and he would confirm the details.

Policing issues.
There had been no contact from Wiltshire Police.  It was suggested that the chair should write to Inspector Burt and copy to PCC Angus McPherson regarding the non-attendance sine PC Atkinson had moved on.

Borough Council issues.
There was still about £30,000 left of the Controlling Migration Fund.  Some of this could be used for CCTV cameras but there was a lack of clarity over availability and purpose of these cameras.  The CCTV coverage of the Haydon St eurobins would not take place due to an apparent lack of suitable power supplies.
It was noted that flytipping was increasing again particularly behind Gooch St.  The chair would invite Ratchel Ind to attend a BSACC meeting for a progress report.  Cllr Wright said that street cleaners were now allowed to report incidents of flytipping.
The out-of-hours noise inspector (Sw 466453) would only attend a nuisance if three calls were received for any occurrence.
Cllr Ali was working on the ongoing problem of eurobins blocking back alleys.
Budget Bikes had been fined for obstructing footways in corporation St.  It had been reported that the vacant shop at the corner of Broad St and Salisbury St might be opening as a takeaway.  Cllr Wright said this would need an application for change of use.  He was not aware that one had been submitted and would look into this.  It was noted that the unlicensed (ie illegal) mattress and carpet selling van was operating in the area again.

Broad Street Food Festival
Gifty Tawiah reported on progress.  Residents parking would be permitted at the County Ground car park from the Friday evening to avoid residents cars becoming blocked in.  Potential traders were being slow in submitting their licensing paperwork.

Confirmation of the treasurer's statement
Proposed; Mo Chaudhry, Seconded; John Freegard, carried

Treasurer's statement
As presented during the meeting