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Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Minutes from the Community Council meeting held on 4th October 2017

Members present; chair Pam Freegard, treasurer Bob Walter, IT secretary Robert Williams, Brenda Arnold, Muhammad Chaudhry, John Freegard, Kate Johnson, Cluniford Mason, Bob Wedge.

Also present; Gifty Tawiah - Broadgreen Community Centre Development Manager,
                       Cllr Bob Wright - SBC & South Swindon Parish Council.

Apologies for Absence; Diana Banner, John Clark, Violet Clark, Paul Izquierdo, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Madge Sutton, Pat Townsend, Roy Townsend.

[ Note that at 9 members the meeting was not quorate within the BSACC constitution.  Business could proceed but decisions ie confirmation of the preceding minutes and the treasure's statement were deferred to the next meeting]

Gifty Tawaih, Broadgreen Community Centre Development Manager.
Gifty Tawiah introduced herself and explained her role at the community centre. She was expecting to spend about three months getting to know the situation and then bring revenue to a viable breakeven state.
A Christmas fayre would be held on November 25th and there was a longer term ambition for a street party with paying food stalls and other contributers.
Questions from the floor covered topics as follows.
Pricing;- it was recognised that groups had been put off booking. Pricing would be simplified and options made clearer.
Recovery of booking fees already paid to SBC;- the parish Clerk was looking into this.
Funds raised by the volunteers;- Gifty was unaware of the role of the centre volunteers in SBC's proposed management model (eg in running the Free Shop) and this was clarified.
The size of the funding deficit;- running costs were estimated to be about £20000-£30000 pa.

Council issues.
Cllr Wright reported on the stalled progress in and around Queenstown and made suggestions for a revised road layout to improve access for visitors to the town centre.  He noted in particular that the unfinished scheme had created access problems for users of the new health centre in Islington St.
Clarification was sought from Cllr Wright as to plans for the County Ground extension field.  He was unaware of any changes to the agreed outline planning permission.  Cllr Wright's preferred option had been the upgrade of the former bowles club clubhouse.  He would look into concerns raised.
Cllr Wright would look into the general state of Queenstown derelict areas.
Cllr Wright was pressing for the former Carfax St health centre building to be used as a homeless day centre.
It was pointed out that the road layout at Queenstown was increasing air pollution.
Cllr Wright was asked about CCTV - he would ask Mark Walker to report back.
Parking outside Budget Bikes was causing an ongoing problem.  The Borough was looking into a legal prohibition.

Other business.
Chair Pam Freegard suggested BSACC should buy some new plant bulbs for the community garden.  There were no objections, the principle of supporting this project having already been agreed.

Treasurers statements for 1st November 2017.

Broad Street Area Community Council 1st November 2017

£  £
Income 0.00 0.00
(difference) 0.000.00
At 4th October 2017££
Petty Cash114.32
At 1st November 2017
Petty Cash114.32