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Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Minutes from the Community Council meeting held on 2nd August 2017

Members present; chair Pam Freegard, treasurer Bob Walter, IT Secretary Robert Williams, Brenda Arnold, Diana Banner, Muhammad Chaudry, John Clark, Violet Clark, John Freegard, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnson, Rebecca McIntosh, Madge Sutton, Bob Wedge.

Also present; Frances Barrone (Community Transition Manager),
Keith Duffus, Mavis Duffus, Mahmoud Paswal ( residents ).

Apologies for Absence; Pat Townsend, Roy Townsend, PC Luke Atkinson.

Police issues.
PC Luke Atkinson was unable to attend but had provided a report and statistics (attached), which was read by the chair.

Report and stats as attached.


01-07-17 to 31-07-17 reporting period.

year 2016year 2017
Criminal Damage210
Theft & Handling1529
Drug offences62
Dwelling Burglary21

Year to date for July 2017 incidents of total crime have slightly increased for volume crime types.  This is reflected due to a spike in shoplifting and a single series of criminal damages to vehicles on one night. Incidents of theft have almost doubled, although of these twenty-nine incidents, twenty-three relate to shop lifting from commercial premises (mainly Tesco and B&M Bargains).  Four of the ten reported Criminal damage offences relate to a single suspect damaging vehicles on one street, he was located and arrested for these incidents. Eight of the fifteen incidents of assault relate directly to domestic violence incidents which have taken place inside dwellings.


Our current priorities are around the supply and usage of drugs in the area, both on the street and from addresses.  We are also concentrating on dealing with alcohol related anti-social behaviour and have arrested persons for breaching civil injunctions in relation to this in the last month.  The licensing team have also had more success in reviewing licensed premises following breaches in their license and this work will be ongoing to try and reduce the number of premises selling high strength low price alcohol in the Broadgreen area.


There have been 15 calls to Police relating to Anti-social behaviour in the last month.  Eight of these relate to calls from Tesco security due to boy racers in their car park.  The rest are a mixture of street drinkers and children causing issues.


Unfortunately I'm not able to attend this evening's meeting as I am on annual leave for the next 3 weeks.

Police is an intelligence driven business and we would urge you to contact Wiltshire police on 101 if you have something you need to tell us.  Or alternatively email Community Co-ordinator PC 2410 Luke ATKINSON on luke.atkinson@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk

Confirmation of the minutes from 5th July.
Proposed;  Mo Chaudry, Second; Rob Williams, carried.

Matters arising from the minutes.
Frances Barrone clarified that she was the only employee at the community centre and that there were now no premises assistants.

In the context of Cllr Bob Wright's comments at the July meeting a report in the latest edition of the Swindon Advertiser was noted.  This referred to the allocation of £278 700 from the government's Controlling Migration Fund to the Borough for use in Broadgreen.  Frances Barrone said this would be used to promote the safe and well campaign through door-to-door advice.

A discussion followed in which doubts were expressed on the usefulness of this and that other local issues such as flytipping and disengagement should be considered.  It was thought in particular that there was a gap in current resources between children's and old people's funding.  This was causing some young people to seek refuge in gangs and violence.  It was suggested that some of the OMF money, and perhaps also funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner, could be used to counter such activity.  Frances Barrone said she would pass this on to the new Parish working party on this issue.

Concern was also raised about accountability for the use of OMF money, given the history of community improvements funding such as the 'Streets for Living'.

Confirmation of the treasure's statement.
Proposed; John Freegard, Seconded; Paul Izquierdo, carried

Other business.
The Shrubs in the blocks north of Broad St. were becoming overgrown and hazardous to pedestrians stepping unawares into the path of motor vehicles.  It was unclear from the Parish Council asset maps whose responsibility this was.
The hedge in Fleming Way near Medgebury Place was also becoming overgrown again.

There had been a recent spike in aggressive prostitution.

Frances Barrone highlighted volunteer led sessions for sewing and laptop repairs, and a University of Bath health survey.  The last free shop of the month would be a 'special' with superheros present.

Chair Pam Freegard noted that Chris Watts, chair of the Parish Council, would be guest at the next BSACC meeting.

There was a short discussion on difficulty experienced when reporting race-hate crime to the police.  The general consensus was that racist incidents in the area were still (despite a previous noted post - EU referendum increase) relatively infrequent and that allegations of police institutional racism were beyond the remit of the BSACC.

Treasurers statements for  6th September 2017.

Broad Street Area Community Council 06-09-2017

£  £
Income 0.00 0.00
(difference) 0.000.00
At 2nd August 2017££
Petty Cash114.32
At 6th September 2017
Petty Cash114.32