Also present; PC Luke Atkinson (Wiltshire Police), Frances Barrone (Community Transition Manager), Cllr Bob Wright (Borough and Parish Councils), Mahmoud Paswal (resident)
Apologies for Absence; Diana Banner, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Pat Townsend, Roy Townsend, Julie Wright.
Police issues.
PC Atkinson presented a report and statistics as attached. Several matters were brought up by members including reports of youths on the community centre roof.
report and stats as attached.
01-06-17 to 30-06-17 reporting period. | ||
year 2016 | year 2017 | |
Criminal Damage | 6 | 2 |
Assaults | 20 | 12 |
Theft & Handling | 22 | 24 |
Drug offences | 3 | 2 |
Dwelling Burglary | 2 | 1 |
Robbery | 1 | 1 |
Year to date for June 2017 incidents of crime have marginally decreased for the majority of volume crime types with the exception of thefts which have slightly increased. Assaults and Criminal Damage incidents in particular have decreased by a significant number. Of the twelve reported incidents of assaults, four relate to domestic incidents and two relate to assaults against Police officers. Incidents of theft have increased, although of these twenty-four incidents, twenty of them relate to shop lifting from commercial premises (mainly Tescos and B&M Bargains).
The Community Policing Team has been investigating a series of vehicle breaks which have taken place across the South Hub in the last two weeks, some of these are in the Broadgreen area with the bulk in Kingshill and Old Town. We are actively seeking a suspect for these incidents so in the meantime can I please remind residents to remove all items from display in their vehicles when left unattended as this can reduce the chances of inquisitive crime taking place. If you are a taxi driver please ensure there is no cash left in your vehicle overnight.
Pro-active Work & Priorities
Our current priority is street drinker related anti-social behaviour and the targeting of those engaged in the supply and usage of controlled drugs. We hope to pass you some results from these activities in due course.
One of a group of males engaged in significant anti-social behaviour around the Williams Hill Bookmakers on Manchester Road has been served with a civil injunction which has been granted through Court. This male Joao ALMEIDA is not allowed in the area or with an open container of alcohol so please report any persons engaged in alcohol related ASB. If Mr. ALMEIDA is found to be amongst them he will be arrested and put before the first available court.
There have been 12 calls to police relating to Anti-social behaviour in June. These relate in the main to drunk males causing problems around the alleyways and children kicking footballs in the street.
The Future
Due to resourcing and operational commitments I cannot guarantee that a Police Officer will be available for every meeting in the future. Unfortunately much like last month things do come up at short notice, which means plans require changing. If the Community wish to report something urgently then please do so via the relevant phone numbers or email, do not leave it for this forum.
Police is an intelligence driven business and we would urge you to contact Wiltshire police on 101 if you have something you need to tell us. Or alternatively email Community Co-ordinator PC 2410 Luke ATKINSON on
Borough Council Issues - (Bob Wright).
Cllr. Wright was asking for two more traffic wardens to tackle ongoing parking problems.
There was some confusion regarding the number and use of the new CCTV cameras.
The Haydon St. eurobins had still not been delivered. The officer responsible was no longer working for the Borough.
Cllr. Wright would look into further suspected excesses of light pollution from ATMs in Manchester Rd. and report back on business rate billing for these ATMs.
There was some doubt as to whether the cumulative Impact Policy was being properly applied to new licence applications.
Cllr. Wright was supporting the lease disruptive of the latest proposals for the County Ground extension all weather pitch. However, there were still several obstacles to the Football in the Community Trust getting planning permission.
Cllr. Wright commented on the relevance of a new dociument -
"Swindon 2020 - Masterplan and Delivery Plan" - on the Broadgreen / Queenstown area.
Muse have been unable to find occupants for the proposed commercial tower blocks in Queenstown and the housing and community Agency were not intending to build the social housing originally planned. development could be five years away.
Meanwhile, development in south Swindon was adding pressure to central Swindon housing needs.
Cllr. Wright was pressing for local funding, including for replacement youth club.
Confirmation of the minutes from 7th June 2017.
Proposed; John Freegard Second; Bob Wedge, carried.
Matters arising from the minutes.
There had been some confusion over the African festival on 1st July, at the County Ground. It had been advertised as a free event but some people had been charged a £1 admission fee.
Andrew Hill had been contacted about the credit union, but the proposal had been shelved due ti lack of volunteers.
Other business.
Frances Barrone reported that there was a new issue of the Community Centre newsletter. The centre was now being run by the Parish Council but there were no permanent staff. Volunteer key holders were being sought.
Tesco was still interested in funding improvements work at the community centre from its plastic bag charge but the chair reminded that approval was still in the hands of the Borough Council while there was uncertainty over the lease. Frances Barrone noted another source of funding might be the PCC's Community Safety Fund.
Confirmation of treasurers' report.
Proposed; John Freegard, Seconded; Bob Wedge, carried.
The treasurer noted that the donation in lieu of the auditors fee had been sent to Wiltshire Air Ambulance.
Treasurers statements for 2nd August 2017.
Broad Street Area Community Council 02-08-2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||