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Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Minutes from the community Council meeting held on 1st February 2017

Members present; chair Pam Freegard, Treasurer Bob Walter, IT Secretary Robert Williams, Brenda Arnold, John Clark, Violet Clark, John Freegard, Kate Johnson, Cluniford Mason, Eiles Robinson, Ishmel Stevens, Madge Sutton, Bob Wedge.

Also present; Frances Barrone (SBC)
                        Uzma Shoukat (resident).

Apologies for Absence; Diana Banner, Pat Townsend, Roy Townsend, Paul Izquierdo, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, PC Luke Atkinson.

Confirmation of Minutes from meeting on 4 th January 2017

Proposed; Robert Williams, Second; John Freegard, carried.

Police issues.
PC Atkinson was unable to attend for operational reasons but had provided a report and monthly statistics (attached), which was read out by the chair.

report and stats as attached.


01-01-17 to 31-01-17 reporting period.

year 2016year 2017
Criminal Damage61
Theft & Handling1917
Drug offences31
Dwelling Burglary32

Year to date for January 2017 incidents of crime have decreased for all volume crime types.  Incidents of theft have decreased slightly, and all seventeen of the reported incidents relate to shop lifting from Tesco and B&M Bargains.  Two of the thirteen assault offences relate to domestic incidents which have taken place inside private properties.


There have been 9 calls to Police relating to Anti-social behaviour in the last month.  These are varied and relate to street drinking, suspected drug dealing and suspicious males in alleyways.  All these logs were attended and resolved by officers.


Unfortunately I have a meeting at Gablecross this evening so will be unable to attend.  I will hopefully be back with you next month.

Police is an intelligence driven business and we would urge you to contact Wiltshire police on 101 if you have something you need to tell us.  Or alternatively email Community Co-ordinator PC 2410 Luke ATKINSON on luke.atkinson@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk

Broadgreen Community Centre.
It was announced that Swindon Borough Council would not be operating the community centre after March 2017.  Bookings for 2017-18 were still being taken but financial responsibility remained uncertain.
Frances Barone's position as Localities Facilitator was due to end on 26th February, The Broadgreen Champions (volunteers) had met with Patrick Weir from the Borough to try to defer this date but there had been no official response.
There was a concensus that BSACC should support the continuation of this post.  It was moved that a letter should be sent to members of Frances Barrone's line management, including Patrick Weir, and to the Central Swindon South Shadow Parish Council to recommend this.
Proposed; Bob Walter, seconded; Bob Wedge, carried without objection.

BSACC website,
IT secretary Rob Williams demonstrated the new website (broadstreetareacc.blogspot.co.uk).
Members were invited to suggest changes during or after the meeting.

Other business.
The poor state of drainage in Broadgreen, particularly outside the Manchester Rd mosque, was noted.
Also noted was the mounting level of litter and fly-tipping across the BSACC area.  It was hoped to bring this up with the SBC envirocrime team.

Further tot he presentation at the BSACC January meeting, Wiltshire Savings and Loans Credit Union would be holding a meeting at the community centre on Tuesday 14th February.
Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue would be holding a fire safety event at the community centre on Monday 9th February.

Chair Pam Freegard would not be able to attend the next meeting.  There being no vice-chair or secretary in place, it was agreed that treasurer Bob Walter would substitute chair for the meeting.

Confirmation of treasurer's report..
Proposed;John Freegard, Seconded; Bob Wedge, carried

Treasurers statements for 1st March 2016.

Broad Street Area Community Council 01 03 2017

£  £
Income 0.00 0.00
(difference) 0.000.00
At 1st February 2017££
Petty Cash114.32
At 1st March 2017
Petty Cash114.32