Also present; PC Luke Atkinson (Wiltshire Police)
Frances Barrone (SBC)
Andrew Hill (guest speaker, SBC)
Apologies for Absence; Diana Banner, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Pat Townsend, Roy Townsend.
Police issues.
PC Atkinson presented his report and stats as attached.
New CCTV cameras were being provided for Broadgreen. It was suggested by a member that the old cameras had been removed unnecessarily following incorrect usage. PC Atkinson replied that the new cameras were funded by central government so would be subject to greater accountability.
In reply to a question on illegal traffic manoeuvres at Manchester Rd / County Rd junction no action was being taken unless an accident resulted.
The fire at no. 141 had been a tragic accident - no crime appeared to be involved.
01-12-17 to 31-12-17 reporting period. | ||
year 2015 | year 2016 | |
Criminal Damage | 6 | 7 |
Assaults | 19 | 15 |
Theft & Handling | 21 | 29 |
Drug offences | 6 | 2 |
Dwelling Burglary | 4 | 2 |
Robbery | 5 | 0 |
Total | 61 | 55 |
Year to date for December 2016 incidents of crime have decreased slightly for volume crime types. Incidents of Dwelling Burglaries and Robberies are vastly reduced year on year due to a large spike in both offences in December 2015. Much like in November incidents of theft have increased. Of these 29 incidents, 21 of them relate to shop liftings from commercial premises and 18 of these relate directly to the Tescos on Ocotal Way and B&M bargains. Incidents where people have been assaulted have reduced compared to last year and 6 of the 15 reported incidents relate to domestic violence inside a home address.
Since our targeted patrols to deal with the series of thefts from motor vehicles last month we have had a significant reduction in reported crimes. One male is currently on bail whilst enquires are ongoing to ascertain his involvement. Please can I remind residents to secure all valuables in their vehicles and remove any items from display.
Drugs Warrant - Rosebery Street
The Community Policing Team conducted a successful drug warrant in the area last month where two males were arrested and around £3000 of Class A drugs were seized. These males are now on bail pending further enquires. We will act upon any information passed to us by the public. Drugs are prevalent on our streets and we will be actioning more warrants in the coming months.
There have been 16 calls to police relating to Anti-social behaviour in the last month. 9 of which relate to street drinkers in or around the Williams Hill Bookmakers. Of these 9 calls, seven were attended, two were not due to a lack of available resources at the time of calling
- 1x log a male was arrested for being drunk and disorderly.
- 3x logs no persons were present in the area at the time of attendance.
- 2x logs no alcohol was present.
- 1x log a group of males were moved on from the area and their alcohol was poured away.
Community Policing Teams have now been operating for approximately 2 months. We are finding some minor teething problems due to the change in working approach but these are gradually being ironed out. The increase in staff designated to Broadgreen has allowed us to be more pro-active in our work and intelligence gathering and provide us with opportunities to conduct drugs warrants which we previously lacked the staff for. Wiltshire Police have been recently recruiting and our currently taking on transferees so hopefully as our numbers increase so will the service we deliver.
Police is an intelligence driven business and we would urge you to contact Wiltshire police on 101 if you have something you need to tell us. Or alternatively email Community Co-ordinator PC 2410 Luke ATKINSON on
Localities issues.
The envirocrime drop-in sessions had not happened for several weeks. Frances Barrone said they would restart soon.
Guest speaker; Andrew Hill, SBC Social inclusion and welfare Officer.
Andrew Hill spoke on the benefits of affordable short term loans through credit unions. Alternatives such as Provident and Wonga might charge between 400% and 1600% APR, while illegal loan sharks rates could be so high as to be never fully repayable.
SBC was therefore supporting credit unions, which charged typically between 1% and 3% per month.
Credit unions also encourage regular saving however small, with deposits fully protected by standard FSA rules.
Locally, two credit unions were scaling back their activities but Wiltshire Savings and Loans were looking to expand and were seeking volunteers for a collection point for the Broadgreen area,
A "question and answer" with discussion followed
Confirmation of the Minutes from meeting on 7th December.
Proposed; Mo Chaudhry Second; Bob Wedge, carried.
Treasurers statements for XXXX 2016.
Broad Street Community Council 1st February 2017 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Confirmation of Treasurers statement.
Proposed; John Freegard, Seconded; Mo Chaudhry, carried
Other business.
A licence extension application for 4-6 Manchester Rd was noted.