Also present; Frances Barrone (SBC), Pam Jones (SBC), Anne O'Leary, Simon Piff (Broadgreen centre volunteers) Mohmud Paswal (resident) + 1 visitor.
Apologies for Absence; Diana Banner, John Clark, Violet Clark, Pam Freegard, John Freegard, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Pat Townsend, Roy Townsend, PC Luke Atkinson, Bob Wright, Julie Wright.
Community police issues.
No Police attended and no report was available. Note PC Atkinson had given an apology for absence and report, but this was not available to the substitute chair at the time and will therefore be differed to the next meeting
Minutes from the Community Council meeting on the 1st February 2017.
Proposed; Bob Wedge, Second; Paul Izquierdo, carried.
Matters arising.
- Drainage of highway water was still a problem, particularly in the Manchester Road mosque area. Cllr Junab Ali was considered the most appropriate person, as he is believed to have the most contact with the mosque and would be fully aware of how it is affecting them. The central ward councillor team had passed this issue on.
- Fly-tipping, a note from Cllr Bob Wright was read by the substitute chair. One of the problems compounding the issue was the loss of a dedicated cleaning team.
- It was believed that the parish council had budgeted more money for staff thus allowing the SCS to employ extra staff. Various members present had noticed an improvement in the overall litter in their immediate area. This may be due in part to a walk around the area conducted by the councillors.
Although some members noted an improvement, there were other comments that rubbish had returned equally quickly in some places which were previously cleared.
Pam Jones (SBC Environmental Team) who has a regular surgery on Tuesday mornings, in the Broadgreen community centre. She was requested to give some later sessions to allow working people a chance to speak with her.
She gave a synopsis of her position and her role. Her role is to advise residents on what they need to do to get the rubbish cleared rather than as a contact to report waste issues to the council. The main proportion of her time is spent in schools educating the pupils on the perils and consequences of littering.
When asked about more specific issue she responded that this would be better answered by her line manager, who would be attending on the 5th April.
Simon Piff (Friends of Broadgreen street champions) Mentioned that there would be a litter-picking event on the Wednesday 8th March, as a response to the increase in rubbish. It was noted that the litter had improved but there were mixed opinions regarding this point. It was pointed out that the Friends of Broadgreen street champions numbered roughly 120 volunteers although they were not necessarily all active simultaneously.
The Credit union meeting was noted as not particularly well attended but BSACC would continue to support the venture.
Community Centre.
There is a question on the future of the community centre. It was believed that the council wanted to dispense with its administration and this was provisionally set to at the end of March. Further to a question asked at the Parish Council meeting on 2nd February, members of the BSACC executive committee had met with the Parish Council chair, Chris Watts, on 9th February to discuss local issues including the community centre.
There is a parish council meeting set for the 2nd of March where financial provision for the role of the community facilitator may be further funded by the transitional money. BSACC had sent letters, in support of this, to the Parish Council and to the localities team management, as agreed at the BSACC February meeting.
Simon Piff and Anne O'Leary (guest speakers) informed that they were putting forward a proposal to administer the community centre for the benefit of the community. One of their tasks was to put together a constitution for their charitable organisation.
They were receiving help from the VAS (Voluntary Action Swindon) as the best sources to get funding for their charity.
They had yet to establish if their model would be financially viable but they were being hampered by the lack of help from Swindon Borough council as to the current running costs of the centre.
7 - 9 Corporation Street: had put in an application for a two-story extension. It was noted that the plans made no provision for parking and this would exacerbate the already pressured parking situation in that area. It was agreed BSACC should oppose this application.
- County Ground: The current costs for the proposed development was in the region of £900K to £1 million. Part of the 106 money, previously allocated for its development, had gone to fund other projects leaving a shortfall. The cost had further extended due to the deteriorating state of the running track. The football club had proposed to meet the shortfall if the area fences was extended to include an enclosed football pitch.
It was felt the remaining green space was already heavily used and the further reduction in green space would be unacceptable for the community. It was proposed that we BSACC submit an objection to the council on this development, especially considering the covenant on the land giving it for the betterment of all residents.
The motion was proposed by Bob Wedge and seconded by Muhammad Chaudhry with no objections.
We were informed that there would be a leaflet drop on the 9th relating to the consultation for the proposed extension of the athletics club and loss of the valuable green space.
- Cashpoints: Yet another cashpoint has appeared and, similar to the other recent ATM installations, it is brightly lit. The excessive lighting was causing distress to the local residents.
Other business.
The Youth club Skits is to wind up after a long and successful run. It has operated continuously for 20 years and has had between 10 - 20 young people in the winter and nearly 20 - 30 during the summer months when they also utilise the outdoor area. The council has made the workers redundant and it was suggested that it could be run as a voluntary service. Their last day will be on the 22nd of March.
It has been reported that a number of ladies had received racial abuse while going about their business in the Broadgreen area. It was postulated that the Brexit vote might have given some people the belief that such abusive behaviour was more acceptable. - It certainly is not acceptable behaviour and, if heard, such abusive behaviour should be challenged and reported to the police via 101.
People who live near the railway line may have received letters relating to pile driving work that will be done in that area. To avoid disruption to the rail network the work will be done between the ours of 10pm to 6am. The dates proposed are
28th Feb, 18, 27, 28, 29, 30th March. This may be very loud and disruptive during the night.
There was a noticeable increase in the level of harassment by prostitutes with one person being falsely accused of curb crawling when a prostitute entered his car. It maybe a consequence of the removal of a fixed police presents. It was suggested that all issues be logged with the police by calling 101. This will allow the police to collate statistics of crime in the area.
A large pothole has appeared in the road in the area of Wellington street and Milford Street. It was suggested that a call be put into 445501 and that a service level agreement be established with the council to ensure that progress is made.
Treasurers statements for for the 1st March 2017.
Proposed; Muhammad Chaudhry, Seconded; Eiles Robinson, carried
Broad Street Area Community Council 05 April 2017 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||