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Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Minutes from the Community Council meeting held on 4th May 2016

Members present; acting chair Pam Freegard, Treasurer Bob Walter, Brenda Arnold, Diana Banner, Muhamed Chauldry, John Freegard, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnson, Cluniford Mason, Madge Sutton,Bob Wedge, Robert Williams.

Also present;  Pc Luke Atkinson (Broad St Area Community Beat Manager)
Frances Barrone (SBC Localities Facilitator)
Antonio Masi (resident)

Apologies for Absence; John Clark, Violet Clark, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Pat Townsend, Roy Townsend, Bob Wright, Julie Wright.

Police issues.

Pc Atkinson presented the report and stats as attached.


01-April-16 to 30-April-16 reporting period.

year 2015year 2016
Criminal Damage47 (3/7 relate to one incident)
Assaults3417 (6/17 incidents of domestic violence)
Theft & Handling295 (5/5 incidents relate to thefts from commercial premises)
Drug offences23
Dwelling Burglary32

Year to date for April 2016 incidents of crime are at a reduced level compared to April 2015 figures with the exception of Criminal Damages which have increased slightly due to an intoxicated female damaging a number of cars in the area. Incidents of Dwelling Burglary have reduced and we have had no reported robberies in the month. Assaults have decreased by a large number. It needs to be noted though that there was a significant spike in violence offences in April 2015 so this year's April figures are more realistic. Thefts have heavily decreased and of the 5 reported incidents we've received these  have all been from Tesco at Ocotal Way.


Anti-social behaviour reports are at a steady level in the last month compared to April 2015.  Reports relating to the County Ground Car Park have pretty much disappeared, although there has been an increase in complaints of antisocial behaviour in other public car parks in Town so those responsible appear to have been displaced out of the area.

Complaints of littering, drug usage and general ABS are still occurring on the canal path at the rear of Shrivenham Road. Ongoing patrols are taking place in this area and Swindon Borough Council has now placed a camera to assist in identifying the persons involved.

Local residents have conducted a 'clean up' with the assistance of Swindon Borough Council environmental officers.

The ABS I am receiving regular complaints about still relate to the street drinkers in and around the local alleyways and we are actively dealing with them in the area as well as in the wider town centre.  When the Public Space Protection Order comes into force in the Broadgreen area this will provide us with additional enforcement powers to deal with them.

Operation Dragnet

Wiltshire Police conducted Operation Dragnet across the Borough last week.  Some of this activity took place in the Broadgreen area including drug warrants, anti-social behaviour operations, non-insured or licensed vehicle operations and on Tuesday 26th April, 33 joint partnership visits took place to all the licensed premises across the town centre. I know many of you are concerned about the activities of the licensed premises and the resulting impact this has on levels of alcohol related anti-social behaviour but it is an issue we take seriously as this operation demonstrates.  For those interested there is an article in the Swindon Advertiser out today which shows or activities in more detail.

Policing is an Intelligence driven business and we would urge you to contact Wiltshire Police on 101 if you have something you need to tell us.  Or alternatively email Community Beat Manager PC 2410 Luke ATKINSON on luke.atkinson@wilthire.pnn.police.uk

issues discussed were alcohol licensing, flytipping enforcement and a recurrence of obstruction of alleyways by car parking.  Incidents of noisy motorbike and quadbike riding were noted.  PC Atkinson confirmed that there were no 'pop-up brotherels' in the area despite a recent TV report.

Minutes from meeting on 3rd February 2016 and 2nd March 2016.
Proposed; John Freegard, Second; Bob Wedge, carried.

Local/Community centre issues.
The car boot sale at the community centre on 8th May had been cancelled due to a booking conflict.  Bookings for the community centre would soon be available locally rather than centrally through the civic offices.
It was agreed to spend about £40 in continued support of the garden group.
Tesco had suggested that their plastic bag tax revenue might be used to support repairs to the playing area.  It was hoped to arrange a site meeting on 18th May to discuss this further.  Use of the space in general was discussed.
A community event 'love Broadgreen' was announced for 11th May

Treasurers statements for June 2016.

Broad Street Community Council 1st June 2016  
Expenditure£  £
Room hire395.52
Plants & Compost27.99


Income 0.000.00
Expenditure less income

At 4th May 2016££
Petty Cash89.30
At 1st June 2016

Petty Cash61.31

Proposed; John Freegard, Seconded; Pam Freegard, carried