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Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Minutes form the Community Council meeting held on 2nd March 2016

Members present; acting chair Pam Freegard, Diana Banner, Muhammad Chaudhry, John Clark, Violet Clark, John Freegard, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnson, Cluniford Mason, Bob Wedge.

Also present;
Frances Barrone (SBC Town Centre locality facilitator), PC Luke Atkinson (Broad St. area beat manager), Gavin Perry, Eiles Robinson (residents), 1 non resident.

Apologies for Absence; Brenda Arnold, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Pat Townsend, Roy Townsend, Madge Sutton, Bob Walter.

Minutes from 3rd February 2016.
There were no minutes available - this would be deferred to the next meeting.

Police issues (PC Atkinson)
PC Atkinson apologies for the absence of a police team representative while he was away.
The monthly statistics were presented as attached.


01-February-16 to 29-February-16 reporting period.

year 2016year 2015
Criminal Damage912
Theft & Handling811
Drug offences76
Dwelling Burglary22

Year to date for February 2016 incidents of crime at a stable level compared to February 2015 figures. Incidence of 'dwelling burglary and robbery are at the same level as last year.  Pleasingly assaults have decreased. Drug offences have increased due to a number of pro-active stops and operations in the area.

Anti-social behaviour reports have declined in the last month compared to February 2014.  This could be on account of the extremely bad weather we have been experiencing. I have monitored the logs whilst I have been away and noted that reports relating to the County Ground Car Park have reduced. However complaints of litter, drugs usage and general ASB are occurring on the canal path at the rear of Shrivenham Road. Ongoing patrols are taking place in this area and Swindon Borough Council will be placing a camera to assist in identifying the persons involved.

Monitoring of the 'boy racers' at the County Ground car park and antisocial behaviour near the March Farm estate was ongoing and public reports of such activities was encouraged.
Residents reported a missing parking restrictions sign from near the Broad St/Corporation St junction and further infringements of the one way system in Queenstown.
PSPO powers were discussed.
There was a question as to whether revenue from fines etc could be made available for community use but most of this was already allocated to operational costs.

Localities issues.
The County Ground improvement scheme consultation was noted.
Flooding at the Mitchell's entrance to the County Ground was discussed, including the adverse effect of removing nearby willow trees.
The new community cafe at the community centre was promoted.
The community governance review was discussed.
Options for repair of the community centre football pitch were discussed.

Other business.
The dangerous garage wall at the rear of 14 Manchester Rd. had been demolished.
A dangerous wall at the back of Armstrong St. adjoining Alfred St was reported- the chair advised this should be forward to the ward councillors.
Gavin Perry (a resident but not a Community Council member) intervened to re-raise an issue from the member's meeting held on the 4th November 2015 regarding his request for the Community Council to purchase of leaf/litter collection machine for the Borough Council. The chair, with the full backing of the Community Council members present, confirmed the decision of that meeting not to proceed with this request. [Note; Mr Perry appeared to be under the mistaken impression that this request had been turned down by the board of the Broad Street Community Trust. The above noted decision having been taken, no approach to the BSCT for funds had been made.]
Peter, a non-resident, community centre volunteer, asked (by prior consent) for the Community Council's backing in seeking funds for a series of well-being sessions at the community centre.  It was agreed to support this as far as possible, but that the Community Council would not apply itself and would not incur any financial obligations.

Treasurers Report.
This would be deferred to the next meeting due to the absence of the treasurer

Treasurers statements for April 2016.

Broad Street Community Council 06 April 2016

£  £
compost 24.00 24.00

Income  0.00 0.00
expenditure less income 24.00
At 3rd March 2016££
Banked 3227.89
Petty Cash 113.30
Total 3344.19 3344.19
At 6th April 2016

Petty Cash 89.30

Proposed; N/A, Seconded; N/A,