Having the correct postcode is essential for the semi-automated sorting that happens within the post office. Using a postcode makes for a much faster and less error prone delivery of mail.
The following information is handy, especially when you want to send/receive post via Royal Mail or you just want to establish if you're in the correct council tax band.
Contrary to popular belief, information such as your council tax banding or postcode, is not a secret hidden in the clouds of mystery and misdirection, neither are they protected by the fabled data protection act. The details are "public information," which can be found using the following links I have included in this post. You can use the links to confirm your own, or your neighbour's, postcode and council tax banding.
Finding your postcode:
To check your council tax band and see those bands of those dwellings around you:
Can you challenge your council tax banding if you feel it is incorrect?
Answer: YesIf you believe that you are in the wrong band you can use this link to challenge it:
Before you embark on this journey, and to avoid disappointment, the following site is worth a thorough read:
Here is a link to a success story:
How_I_won_back 4000_in_council_tax
but to counter, this is the sting in the tail, when it can all turn into a catastrophe.