PRESENT : Chair Karen Leakey, Vice-Chair Pam Freegard, Treasurer John Freegard, Secretary and Archivist Kevin Leakey, Brenda Arnold, Diana Banner, Muhammad Chaudhry, Paul Izquierdo, John Clark, Kate Johnson, Cluniford Mason, Eiles Robinson, Roy Townsend, Bob Walter, Bob Wedge, Robert Williams.
ALSO PRESENT; Mark Walker - SBC Town Centre Locality Lead, PC Atkinson - Broad Street Area Beat Manager, PCSO Millarvie, PCSO Mervyn-Smith, Cllr. B. Wright
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE; John Clark, Vit Clark, Evelyn Mason, Madge Sutton, Pat Townsend
The Chair Karen Leaky welcomed everyone to the 2015 AGM and handed the running of the meeting over to the Secretary Kevin Keakey.
These Minutes wee confirmed and signed a true record. Proposed Muhammed Chaudhry and seconded by John Freegard
MATTERS ARISING: from the 2nd July 2014 AGM - None.
The Chair presented an annual report to the meeting.
The Treasurer delivered the annual financial report and yearly audit account to the meeting. Mr J P McLlherron MIIA audited the accounts.
The accounts were confirmed by Muhammed Chaudhry and seconded by Roy Townsend
Mark Walker agreed to be a neutral Scutineer and oversee that the correct procedure were observed for the election of the Officers and Committee Members were present as follows:
Brenda Arnold, Muhammed Chaudhry, John Clark, Vi Clark, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnnson, Madge Sutton
The above number of members of the Executive Committee complied with the BSACC Constitution in that the Committee did not exceed the maximum limit of 15 members (including the four Officer positions), therefore with the approval of independent Scrutineer, Mark Walker, it was agreed a secret ballot was not needed and those nominated were deemed as eelected, en bloc, to the Committee until the next AGM in 2016. There were no objections.
There being no other nominations for the post of Treasurer, it was unanimously agreed that Bob be elected to the post.
The Chair and Secretary positions were offered to BSACC Members present, but there were no candidates forthcoming. Therefore the two positions remain vacant.
Pam Freegard will continue in the roll of Vice-Chair, but without the Chair position filled, agreed to be the temporary chair.
It was agreed that the Community Council will continue until March 2016, when the future of the BSACC and Officer situation will be reconsidered.
Mr J.P. McLlherron indicated that he would be happy to continue auditing the Community Council accounts. This was agreed by the meeting, with no objections raised.
Meeting closed at 7.00pm
<This a a copy of the Chair report attached during the meeting>
Chair Report -AGM September 2015
Over the last year we have continued to work with Swindon Borough Council and the Broadgreen Police Team. The area is still suffering long term problems.
I became active in our community over 15 years ago and joined the BSACC just after then, from chasing prostitutes, pimps, drugs dealers and kerb crawlers off the streets to trying to tackle rubbish problems. We played a part in stopping the bail hostel, working with and sometimes battling with STFC and spent more hours than I care to remember on the Streets for Living Project, which sadly now looks in a rather less than ideal state than when we celebrated the opening seven years ago.
We have had many good times, working alongside and supporting the young people was some of my happiest times here. We have had cohesion events aplenty we have been part of many group that promoted Broadgreen across the town, including being part of the Children's Fete, Civic Voice, Neighbourhood renewal, and SSP groups.
We have worked closely with the Broadgreen police team - who in the early days were so difficult to work with - now happily a very different story. We have worked in close partnership with Wiltshire Fire Service and many wonderful officers at Swindon Borough Council (as well as some stinkers too)!
I would like to thank Mark Walker and Luke Atkinson, who, alongside the Broadgreen Police Team have been so very helpful, kind and generous over the past few years - without their input and help this group would not be what it is today.
I would like to thank Pam and John who stepped up when no-one else would, and saved the BSACC from closing, and Kevin, who has been hard working doing the paperwork behind the scenes - writing the minutes as they have been done for us all these years is no mean feat, and also keeping an eye on the planning, correspondence and undertaking untold hours of research
I would also like to thank Madge, Paul, Vi, John, Bob, Mo, Kate and Cluniford who have always worked hard and supported the community -
It has been a very hard decision to step down - but the time is right - I will miss doing the community work but have been finding it too much recently. I need a break, but I sincerely hope the Community Council can continue successfully under 'new management' and wish you all the very best.
Karen Leaky