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Wednesday, 3 December 2014


PRESENT: Chair Karen Leakey, Vice-Chair Pam Freegard, Secretary and Archivist Kevin Leakey, Treasurer John Freegard, Muhammad Chaudhry, John Clark, Vi Clark, Mr. Hassan, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnson, Mohammed Khan, Cluniford Mason, John Pryce, Eiles Robinson, Imtiyaz Shaikh, Madge Sutton, Ros Timlin, Roy Townsend, Bob Walter, Robert Williams


APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Diana Banner, Kay Malko, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Pat Townsend, Mark Walker, SBC Town Centre Locality Lead, PC Atkinson - Broad Street Area Beat Manager

NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE TEAM : The Police Team forwarded the following stats and report –

NPT STATISTICS: 01 to 30 November 2014
Criminal damage – 13 (2013 – 3)
Assaults – 7 (2013 – 20) (4/7 relate to domestic premises)
Theft and Handling – 12 (2013 – 28) (9/12 relate to commercial premises)
Drugs Offences – 4 (2013 – 3)
Dwelling Burglary – 1 (2013 – 6)
Robbery – 1 (2013 – 1) (single robbery took place inside a dwelling)

Year to date for November 2014 incidents of crime are reduced across all key crime areas with the exception of criminal damages which have significantly increased and drugs offences which have increased as a result of a pro-active Neighbourhood Policing Team Drug Warrant in the area. Criminal Damages have increased due to two series’ of damage to motor vehicles which took place in Volta Road and the Tesco, Ocotal Way Car Park. These damages took place in the early hours of Saturday morning and are believed to be as a result of night time economy foot traffic returning from the town centre. As a result patrols have been increased across subsequent weekends with no re-occurrences and we are mindful of incidents such as this coming up to Christmas.

In the 12 months up to November 2014 complaints of anti-social behaviour have reduced 4.7% compared to the 12 months up to November 2013. This is a pleasing reduction and is still reflective of the positive work we are carrying out around targeting ASB perpetrators and working with the off-licenses around general alcohol related anti-social behaviour. There are ongoing license application reviews taking place for a number of premises in the next few weeks of which evidence has been gathered by myself and other Town Centre Policing colleagues. We are hopeful for positive outcomes for these and believe it will again assist us with our main area priority at this time, a reduction in ASB.

Operation SALIDA
Operation Salida was launched by the Swindon Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) and is supported by several partner agencies including Swindon Borough Council Trading Standards, Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs and the Home Office Enforcement Team.

On Wednesday 19th November 2014, joint visits were carried out on a number of businesses and licensed premises in the Broadgreen area to ensure organisations were compliant with various licensing, trading standards and immigration legislation.

As a result of this activity:
Three people were arrested for illegal entry into the United Kingdom
Alcohol licensing offences were identified at 12 premises
Alcohol was seized from two premises due to unpaid duty tax
Foreign tobacco was seized from three premises
Children's toys seized from one store due to them containing carcinogenic material - a substance potentially harmful to humans.
This operation was extremely positive for the area and we will look to work with partnership agencies in the future for the betterment of the area.

PC KUKLINSKI our designated Vice officer has provided me with the below stats for work carried out in November. At the request of Karen and Kevin this will become a standing item on this report in future as we are aware of the impact and stigma sex working has on the area.
Operation BUTTON, Wiltshire Police’s designated Vice operation in the Broadgreen area has been conducted on 8 occasions in the area in November. This equates to approximately 160-170 Officer hours.
5 Kerb crawlers have been identified and dealt with. 4 of these have been placed on Conditional Cautions with the proviso that they pay for and attend a course related to addressing their behaviour. 1 individual who is ineligible for the course will be taken to Court following a formal Police interview.
4 Sex workers have been identified and dealt with for Soliciting after evidence has been gathered by Officers working on Operation Button.
These operations will continue on a regular basis and Officers conduct these in plain clothes whilst driving plain vehicles. Other tactics include plain clothes foot patrol and plain clothes cycle patrol in and around the alleyways.

Policing is an Intelligence driven business and the NPT would urge you to contact Wiltshire Police on 101 if you have something you need to tell us. Or alternatively email Community Beat Manager PC 2410 Luke ATKINSON on luke.atkinson@wilthire.pnn.police.uk

COUNCILLORS REPORT - No report given or councillors present.


SENT – To Cllr. J. Wright and Mark Walker, queries from BSACC meeting.

RECEIVED – Broadgreen Neighbourhood Police Team agreed to attend the April BSACC meeting.
Via Cllr. J. Wright - Paul Simmonds, SBC public Protections Manager could not make the January meeting, but offered to attend the February meeting.
Reply from Mark Walker re queries from November 2014 meeting.

S/14/1721 - 73 Shrivenham Road SN1 2QA - Erection of a detached garage - Application Granted - Case Officer - Miss Jane Rodens
S/14/1799 - 78 Manchester Road SN1 2AJ - Erection of a detached garage - Application Granted - Case Officer - Miss Jane Rodens

TREASURERS REPORT - to 03 December 2014: John Freegard
The monthly Treasurers report was distributed to Members present.

Mark Walker – SBC Locality Lead
Mark forwarded the following answers to queries arising from the November 2014 meeting –

Q – Can you clarify what action is being taken with regards to the canopies at the front of shops?
A – Planning enforcement has visited twice and a second letter has been issued to all shops where this is an issue, advising the shopkeepers of their responsibilities.
Q – Would it be possible for the SBC employee that cleans the Broadgreen park area, to dispose of the rubbish/litter cleared from the street and alley by residents in Rosebery Street?
A – My view is this is within his remit and I will speak to colleagues in Streetsmart about this.
Q – The bins from the shop at 64 Broad St are being stored on the pathway and fish is being sold from a side door in the property is this allowed? There was also a complaint of a bad smell from there.
A – I will forward this onto colleagues in Highways – when I am next in the area, I will go and speak to whoever is in the shop. If they are selling things incorrectly then we will need to evidence this to help colleagues address this concern, if residents are upset, then it would be helpful to provide this direct observation if they are willing to do this?
Q – The BSACC would like parking to come to the February meeting would Paul be able to attend the meeting?
A – I am sure colleagues would be happy to attend if available– it would be helpful if you could any specifics you would want to discuss or is it a general conversation?
Q – Concerns were raised about a lack of lighting at night in the new Regent Circus road layout area, and also that it is difficult to cross by the Jury’s Inn area.
A – A stage 3 safety audit has recently taken place with an independent auditor and the recommendations will be provided to the Council and developer in the coming weeks, you may wish to invite a colleague from Highways to discuss this and the whale bridge area.
Q – Patrols targeting litter in the area have taken place - the group asked what the results of this exercise were?
A – Between 10 -20 fixed penalty notices are being issued on a weekly basis across the Locality area, to date colleagues have not issued a penalty notice in Broadgreen but they continue to patrol on an ad hoc basis.
Q – Is there a list of retail premises in Broadgreen that sell alcohol and what the agreed opening hours are?
A – I will ask colleagues in Licensing to do this – from memory there are 9 premises in the area.
Q – We understand booking of rooms at Broadgreen has or will be changing, are there any more details?
A – Booking the centre is still the same at present, we are considering having a localised booking system so that the premises assistants manage this, but some issues to resolve in terms of cash and invoicing but we are working through this.

The following issues and points were raised and discussed
Members agreed in November to bring to the December drop-in, questions they thought should be included in a survey for all local residents, to find out their feelings about the community and their concerns and issues. Unfortunately no members had questions, so it was agreed to bring them along to the January meeting.
Cars were being parked on the pavement in Alfred Street.
Graffiti tags in Rosebery Street.
Needles were being found thrown in resident’s gardens, when reported to SBC, a resident was told that as it was on private property they could not clear them up.
The road/pavement surfaces in the Streets for Living area were breaking up.
It was agreed that small sub-groups would be formed next year, to look at specific things in the Area – County Ground Area, Gardening, Parking, Licensing and Planning.
Issuing of residents parking permits.
It was agreed that a hard drive would be purchased to store the Community Council’s paperwork.
It was agreed that the BSACC would fund a defibrillator at the November meeting. The Chair was looking into one from the British Heart Foundation, which included training.
CCTV cameras for the area.
A wheelie bin was thrown on a car in Broad Street.
There had previously been a homework club at the Broadgreen Centre, it was hoped to revive this and a resident from Ponting Street asked if the BSACC might be able to help? It was agreed that this could be discussed further at the January meeting, if more details of the help required could be given.
The Chair thanked Members for their contributions and help during the past year.
The Committee were thanked for their work in 2014.

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