PRESENT: Chair Karen Leakey, Vice-Chair Pam Freegard, Secretary and Archivist Kevin Leakey, Muhammad Chaudhry, John Clark, Vi Clark, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnson, Cluniford Mason, Ishmael Stevens, Ros Timlin, Roy Townsend, Bob Walter, Robert Williams
ALSO PRESENT: Mark Walker, SBC Town Centre Locality Lead, PC Atkinson - Broad Street Area Beat Manager, PC Kuklinski - Vice Officer
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Treasurer John Freegard, Diana Banner, Mohammed Khan, Kay Malko, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Eiles Robinson, Imtiyaz Shaikh, Madge Sutton, Pat Townsend, Central Ward Councillors
CONFIRMATION OF THE NOTES: 03 December 2014 drop-in. These notes were confirmed and signed a true record. Proposed by Ros Timlin and seconded by Pam Freegard
NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE TEAM : PC Atkinson - Broad Street Area Beat Manager, PC Kuklinski - Vice Officer
NPT STATISTICS: 01 to 31 December 2014
Criminal damage – 7 (2013 – 6)
Assaults – 11 (2013 – 15) (3/11 relate to domestic premises)
Theft and Handling – 18 (2013 – 24) (15/18 relate to commercial premises)
Drugs Offences – 2 (2013 – 3)
Dwelling Burglary – 2 (2013 – 2)
Robbery – 2 (2013 – 1)
Year to date for December 2014 incidents of crime are at a comparative level to 2013 with reductions in levels of assaults against the person and thefts. Vehicle crime in particular is down 48.9% which reflects the increased high visibility patrols carried out by Broadgreen Officers following the series of vehicle damages in November.
In the 12 months up to December 2014 complaints of anti-social behaviour have reduced 3.4% compared to the 12 months up to December 2013. Although only a small reduction I am pleased as this obviously encompasses the busy Christmas period.
In early December myself and colleagues from Police licensing attended a meeting at Swindon Borough Council in relation to a new alcohol license application for number 42 Manchester Road. Despite our objections and those presented by this Community Council a license was granted for the premises to retail alcohol up until 23:00 hours at night. The Central Neighbourhood Policing Team are extremely disappointed by this outcome but will continue to appeal against the issuing of any further alcohol licenses in the Broadgreen area on the grounds that this will impact on our attempts to reduce alcohol related anti-social behaviour.
A cumulative impact policy is currently being discussed for areas of the Swindon town centre and a hearing is due at Swindon Borough Council in the near future in relation to this. If granted, this effectively means that any new premises application licenses will be tested against the impact that granting such licenses will have on the primary licensing objectives – One of which is the reduction of alcohol related anti-social behaviour and crime.
We have received several complaints again of boy racers in the County Ground Car park into the night time. I have discussed this with local Councillors who will be looking into options to assist in dealing with this issue long term. Until this has been actioned, local officers will continue to patrol the Car Park on a regular basis and deal with any individuals causing ASB or committing driving offences.
5 kerb crawlers are due to attend Gablecross Police Station this coming weekend to take part in a behavioural change course. Each person attending will have to pay £200 for the course and failure to attend will result in them being prosecuted and taken to court for the offence of soliciting. This money will not go to Wiltshire Police or Swindon Borough Council but will instead be re-invested into the local Community.
3 sex workers have been placed on cautions in December prohibiting their activities which currently means 7 in total are on cautions.
Vice operations will continue in the coming months and are still very much viewed as ‘everyday business’ by Broadgreen officers.
Policing is an Intelligence driven business and the NPT would urge you to contact Wiltshire Police on 101 if you have something you need to tell us. Or alternatively email Community Beat Manager PC 2410 Luke ATKINSON on
The following issues and points raised and discussed re Police Report
Concerns that kerb crawling was no longer an offence and there was now one single offence of ‘soliciting’, meaning people have to be seen picking up a prostitute rather than just driving around.
To discourage street prostitution, in Bristol there are signs and CCTV in 2 non-residential areas, but this do not seem to discourage the problem as they generally run Change Courses monthly and have around 12 people on each of them.
Any ideas for use within the Broadgreen Area, of monies raised from the Change Course, please pass onto Police Team or the Chair – Karen.
Why there were so many licensed premises in the Broadgreen Area, more were being granted, but the committee that issued licences did not have to put up with the consequences and behaviour of drunken people 12.52.
Concerns that the Police and Agencies are regularly raiding shops in the area and finding illegalities, what can be done to stop it, do the shopkeepers not understand? 37.42 The Police said that shopkeepers did understand and the more it was done, and the more offences found, the level of prosecution would get higher. The operation carried out in November 2014 in partnership with SBC Licensing, HMRC and Immigration was something that was being looked at to carry out on a fairly regular basis, as residents have identified it as an issue. Licensing checks were regularly carried out and for example Abbey’s was being taken to review because of multiple problems 38.41
COUNCILLORS REPORT – Forwarded by Cllr. J. Wright. 44.34 read out
I would like to start by wishing you all a very Happy New Year. I am sorry that we are unable to attend the meeting tonight but Bob and I have a meeting at Council, which starts at 6pm and usually does not finish until approximately 9.00pm. Please accept our sincere apologies. However, as always, please feedback your comments or concerns to us.
We have quite a lot of Licensing issues ongoing and an application. We have complained about the lack of notification for a Manchester Road application. We have been told that notification will improve. We are working alongside the police to object to those applications, which have potential impact on the area. We will continue to object to unsocial hour of operation and where sales do not conform to the Licensing Objectives.
Parking in alleyways particularly by shops is a problem that we have tried to get Parking Services to address. The problem is these businesses comply whilst officers are present then go back with blocking the alleyways once the officers leave. We are looking to see if different powers can be used.
We are still looking to get a bus shelter moved on Manchester Road to help address anti-social activity. We also would like to see the shelter on Corporation Street removed to stop use by street drinkers. This will not affect residents waiting for buses, as there is only one stop to go to the bus station.
The Central Action Plan has not always helped the area. The conversion of terraced housing into shops is a particular concern as it reduces traditional housing and can impact an area with such issues as waste disposal. We have had one business on Broad Street using the paving for their bins. We have reported this matter and objected to a conversion of a terraced house to a shop.
We also objected again to the recent planning applications on the corner of Manchester Road and Corporation Street. We are concerned that the shops were preparing to open prior to receiving planning permission and raised this with the Planning Department. In particular we raised the issue of parking for the new premises and wanted to ensure that the new restaurant does not carry out the practice of takeaways. We have been assured by the Planning Department that the necessary conditions will be included with any permission and we will keep a close eye on the situation. Again your feedback is important to us so that we ensure the new shops abide with their current permissions.
We have been in contact with the police regarding the ongoing problems with boy racers in the County Ground Car Park. We have been informed that the police do not have the resources to tackle the problem as they would like which is extremely worrying.
Bob and I visited Kimmerfield Court just before Christmas to help put up their festive decorations. It was a lovely event with tea, coffee and mince pies. Many of the residents joined in and we enjoyed the lovely atmosphere. It was great to see Bob going up and down the ladder to the instructions and glee of the residents and warden.
We are holding another Free Shop on Saturday January 24th January from 11am to 1pm. We would be really pleased to see you at the event. Last time we did have a lot of support and the Tuesday Lunch Club agreed to serve refreshments this time to raise funds for their club. It is essential that we try to support Lunch Clubs in the area as they are so important for the elderly in our community.
The following issues and points raised and discussed re Councillors Report
14.47 Police Team were not happy about the way the County Ground car park issue was reported by councillors, there were no resource problems. The Police had actually contacted Cllr. B. Wright to inform the councillors of complaints about the problems in that area, and requested some assistance 15.09, as the Police team did not work 24/7, they patrol the area as much as they could, do enforcement on any youths found misbehaving there, traffic enforcement and asked other units to patrol the area at night, and where offences were found, they would be dealt with.15.27 Councillor B. Wright had told the Police Team that consideration would be given to amend the structure of the car park 15.37 to try and prevent cars being driven up and down at speed etc.
SENT – Invite to Robert Buckland MP, to a future meeting.
RECEIVED – Confirmation that Robert Buckland MP will attend a meeting on 30 January 2015
S/14/2016 - Land To The Rear Of County View Guest House 31-33 County Road SN1 2EG - erection of 2 no. dwellings with associated parking - Application Pending Consideration - Case Officer - Miss Heather Carlisle
S/14/2000 - 139 Broad Street SN1 2DP - Change of use of part of dwelling (Class C3) to travel agents (Class A1) and installation of shop front - Application Pending Consideration - Case Officer - Mr Tom Buxton
S/14/1597 - 1-8 Manchester Road SN1 2AB - Change of use from Class A1 (retail) to Sui Generis (laundrette) - Application Pending Consideration - Case Officer - Mr Ian Halsall
S/14/1042 - 86 Manchester Road SN1 2AJ - change of use from parking space/bin area to retail (Class A1) - Application Refused - Case Officer - Mr Tom Buxton
S/PRIORH/14/2071 - 147 Rosebery Street SN1 2EU - Prior Approval Notification for the erection of a single storey rear extension measuring 6m (from existing rear elevation), 2.35m (maximum height) and 2.15m (height to eaves) - Application Pending Determination - Case Officer - Mr Edward Snook
S/PRIORH/14/1898 - 46 Ponting Street SN1 2BW - prior Approval Notification for the erection of a single storey rear extension measuring 4.8m (from existing rear extension), 3.0m (maximum height) and 2.8m (height to eaves) – Prior approval not required - Case Officer - Miss Jane Rodens
S/14/1837 - 54 Manchester Road SN1 2AG - Erection of a single storey rear extension and external staircase - signage - Application Granted - Case Officer - Mr Tom Buxton
TREASURERS REPORT - to 07 January 2015: John Freegard
The monthly Treasurers report was distributed to Members present
Proposed Muhammad Chaudhry - Seconded Paul Izquierdo
Mark Walker – SBC Locality Lead 53.00
Spoken to planning re. reviewing and updating the Central Area Action Plan. The Local Plan will be completed and adopted by middle of 2015 it is hoped to link the two plans together. It was asked if residents might like to do a quick audit of premises in the area 54.19 and what they were being used for, as they may not be being used within the planning permission given. If there were breaches in permissions, action could be taken. 55.09
Police - SBC policy drafted put to Licensing restrict the alcohol licences issued……..
Concerns by Members present that current legislation has been relaxed too far, and is having a negative impact on the Broadgreen Area……
Wiltshire Wildlife can attend the February meeting, to show/discuss plans for the garden project at the Broadgreen Centre.
Shop canopies – 9 shops have been visited and advice/warning letter issued. Now an enforcement issue.
The following issues and points were raised and discussed
Jan ‘15
There were still no questions from Members to be put on a resident questionnaire, so it will be put on hold for now.
Rubbish from rear property in Lagos Street, dumped in alleyway, SBC collected very quickly when reported by a resident.
Other fly-tipping issues in Ponting Street, Alfred Street and Manchester Road.
Cars still being parked illegally in Manchester Road. Nowhere for tradesmen to park. Mark Walker said that Manchester Road was the most ticketed road in the Borough and to report any illegal parking to Street Smart, who would pass the info onto Parking Services.
The shop on the corner of Manchester Road and Alfred Street have put up new shutters in Alfred Street, they protrude over the public path.
It was asked to be recorded by the vast majority of Members present, that there were concerns that Ward Councillors attendance at the monthly meeting had been virtually non-existent for the last six months.
Could a meeting be arranged to question all candidates in the forthcoming General Election?
No details were forwarded about re-starting the Broadgreen Homework Club, and nobody connected attended the meeting.
Meeting closed – 8.30pm
Residents association for the Swindon Town Centre located, "Broad Street Area Community Council." And general stuff related to that.
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Wednesday, 7 January 2015