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Wednesday, 5 November 2014


PRESENT: Chair Karen Leakey, Vice-Chair Pam Freegard, Secretary and Archivist Kevin Leakey, Treasurer John Freegard, Muhammad Chaudhry, Axmed Ismail, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnson, Mohammed Khan, Kay Malko, Cluniford Mason, Madge Sutton, Ros Timlin, Pat Townsend, Roy Townsend, Bob Walter, Robert Williams, 1 other resident

ALSO PRESENT: Frances Barrone, SBC Town Centre Locality Facilitator, PC Atkinson - Broad Street Area Beat Manager, Tim French

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Diana Banner, John Clark, Vi Clark, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Mark Walker – SBC Town Centre Locality Lead, Julie Wright – ward councillor


NPT STATISTICS: 01 to 31 October 2014
Criminal damage – 6 (2013 – 1)
Assaults – 7 (2013 – 9)
Theft and Handling – 9 (2013 – 36) (7/9 relate to commercial premises)
Drugs Offences – 2 (2013 – 4)
Dwelling Burglary – 0 (2013 – 3)
Robbery – 0. (2013 – 1)
Year to date for October 2014 incidents of crime are reduced across all key crime areas with the exception of criminal damages which have increased. This is in comparison to only one damage in November 2013, which was far below normal levels. 7 Criminal damage offences reported in September 2014 so this shows a small monthly decrease.

In the 12 months up to October 2014 complaints of anti-social behaviour have reduced by 13.7% compared to the 12 months up to October 2013. This is a pleasing reduction and again reflects the positive work the Central team have done to target key ASB hotspots and repeat offenders. This equates to 49 less reports year on year then the period up to October 2013.

Anti-Social behaviour legislation has changed as of 20th October 2014. The team are up to speed with this new legislation, which is simpler to action and should have a positive benefit in dealing with ASB across Broadgreen and the Town Centre. Although legislation has changed, the Section 30 Dispersal Order is still live and enforceable until its expiry date in December. I am looking at a number of other options in partnership with Swindon Borough Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour Enforcement Team around combating ASB in the area.

Due to several complaints about sex-workers in the Broadgreen area over the last month we have carried out a number of operations and outreach work in company with Partnership agencies. Over 200 hours of Police patrols have again been designated to specific Vice operations in the area, resulting in several females being dealt with for soliciting offences and a number of kerb crawlers being formally identified and dealt with.
We have had zero dwelling burglary offences in October compared to 5 reported offences in September. Dwelling burglaries are an extremely impactive crime for the victim and this is a positive reflection of the increased patrols carried out by the Central Sector team as well as pro-active arrests made by the Swindon Priority Crime Team. A number of operations are taking place along with partnership agencies in the area over previous and coming months. These are specifically being undertaken to target issues raised by residents as a concern, including alcohol related anti-social behaviour, parking issues and on-street sex working.

Most Residents are probably already aware of the Swindon Town FC v Bristol City FC football fixture due to take place on Saturday 15th November. This will result in a large number of away football fans being marshalled to and from the train station along Station Road and County Road. Station Road will be subject to temporary parking restrictions before the match.

· Prostitution and policing of the Bristol match were discussed by residents present.

Policing is an Intelligence driven business and the NPT would urge you to contact Wiltshire Police on 101 if you have something you need to tell us. Or alternatively email Community Beat Manager PC 2410 Luke ATKINSON on luke.atkinson@wilthire.pnn.police.uk
COUNCILLORS REPORT - Cllr. Julie Wright forwarded the following report -
Enforcement - An Enforcement Letter has been sent to some shop owners on Manchester Road who have put up unauthorised canopies. The premises occupier/owner will be advised that an application seeking consent to retain the structure will be refused and that should the canopy not be removed within the time allowed the council will consider formal enforcement action.

Residents Parking - The review of the residents parking scheme in Broadgreen has now been completed and there will be changes to the temporary scheme, which have taken into account residents views.
Houses of Multiple Occupancy (HMOs) - We have met with the Lead Member for Housing and Housing Officers to highlight the problems with HMOs. We have asked for specific actions to tackle these issues to be added into the Housing Strategy, which is in the process of being produced. It was agreed that the following should be included:multi agency staff awareness training identifying HMO issues. Publicity identifying best practice in the management of HMOs. A rolling programme of street surveys to identify unidentified HMOs

Regent Circus - We have had numerous complaints about the new crossings at Regent Circus. The uncertainty of who has priority is something we have asked the Highways dept to sort out. Whilst we have already got some improvements it is clear that some users have not been considered, particularly the visually impaired, disabled and elderly. We have asked for changes to be made to scheme to ensure the safety of pedestrians. We have obtained technical information which show this type of crossing is not suitable for such a busy interchange. Although we have managed to obtain some small changes in signage the Lead Member will move no further. The Officers and Lead Member are going to wait on an independent audit once the scheme is complete, however possibly because of the complaints it is being carried on Wednesday 5.11.14. The scheme is still not complete so traffic volumes will have to be estimated. The movements are already above the recommended 100 to 200 per hour. At peak times it goes over 600 per hour. We will continue to press for improvements to the scheme

Carfax Street - We have had reports that there are still people drinking and intimidating people outside Carfax Street Medical Centre. I will be raising this matter with the police to ask for increased patrols of the site. Some action has already taken place however the problems continue.

New Projects - A community initiative has been undertaken by a few community members to see if they can stop people street drinking and urinating in public. We see this initiative as a step in the right direction and will assist the police with their role in trying to stop this type of anti social behaviour.
A resident, who works for the Council, has talked to us about offering a scrap/waste pick up service on a Saturday. He wants to do this in his own time but will use some of the Council's facilities.
Officer Visits to Broadgreen Community Council - I spoke to Parking Services on Tuesday who have agreed to come along to your meeting in February. They will be able to give you an overview of their work and the amount of times they patrol the area. Please let me know if you have any objections to their visit.
Paul Simmonds of Enforcement has already said that he would be willing to come along to a meeting. Please let me know if you would like me to ask him to come along to the same meeting in February, or would you like me to ask if he would be available earlier. Please let me know.
I would also be grateful if you would let me know what other department you would like me to ask to attend one of your meetings.



· S/14/1721 - 73 Shrivenham Road SN1 2QA - Erection of a detached garage - Application Pending Consideration - Case Officer - Miss Jane Rodens
· S/AMEND/14/1497 - 86 Shrivenham Road SN1 2NT - Non-material amendment to previous permission S/13/1911 for the erection of a single storey rear extension - Application Pending Consideration - Case Officer – Mrs Sarah Smith
· S/PRIORH/14/1758 - 137 Rosebery Street SN1 2ET - Prior Approval Notification for the erection of a single storey rear extension measuring 4m (from original rear wall), 2.8m (maximum height) and 2.5m (height to eaves).- Application Pending Consideration - Case Officer - Miss Jane Rodens
· S/14/1837 - 54 Manchester Road SN1 2AG - Erection of a single storey rear extension and external staircase - signage - Application Pending Consideration - Case Officer - Mr Tom Buxton
· S/14/1799 - 78 Manchester Road SN1 2AJ - Erection of a detached garage - Application Pending Consideration - Case Officer - Miss Jane Rodens
· S/ADV/14/0868 - Football Stadium - County Ground SN1 2ED - Display of a non-illuminated signage - Application Refused - Case Officer - Mr Tom Buxton

TREASURERS REPORT - to 01 November 2014: John Freegard
The monthly Treasurers report was distributed to Members present.

Frances Barrone, Locality Facilitator
There had recently been public meetings about Broadgreen Community Centre future (from 1st November 2014, it was moved to the control of the Town Centre Localities team, and ways to make it sustainable were being looked at), waste/rubbish/fly tipping issues and a Broadgreen Community Champion Scheme (a number of residents had put their names forward).
There will be another ‘free’ shop at the Broadgreen on 24th January 2015.

The following issues and points were raised and discussed
The shared surface crossings at Regent Circus – very dangerous, lack of lighting at night, discriminating against blind and partially sighted people – no audio indication when safe to cross.
Street drinkers in alleyways, Broadgreen Centre Park and the pop up park by Carfax Close.
Invite Paul Simmonds Enforcement and Parking to February 2015 meeting.

At a meeting of members that followed the drop-in, the following was discussed –
BSACC financing a defibrillator to be held at the Broadgreen Centre, agreed by a majority present.
Manchester Road bus stop – antisocial problems, request that the shelter be removed.
Put together a survey for all local residents, to find out what their feelings about the community in general were, and their concerns and issues. Members agreed to bring to the December drop-in, questions they think should be included.

BSACC will continue for 2015, but will return to more formal meeting of the BSACC from next year – invite Officer of SBC and other Agencies to meetings.
The 2015 AGM will probably be held in October.