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Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Minutes from the Community Council meeting held on 5th June 2019

Members present; chair Pam Freegard, Treasurer Bob Walter, IT Secretary Robert Williams, Brenda Arnold, Muhammad Chaudhry, John Freegard, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnson, Brenda Warwick, Bob Wedge.

Also present;   Cllr Adorabelle Shaikh (SBC)
                        Cllr John Firmin (SSPC)
                        Gifty Tawiah (Broadgreen Centre Manager),
Sheila Ireson, John Pryce, Romaine Smoinski, Ross Trehewey, (residents).

Apologies for Absence;  Dianna Banner, John Clark, Violet Clark, Cluniford Mason, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh.

Policing issues.
Cllr Firmin confirmed changes to the games area behind the community centre - a seat would be moved and no-smoking signage installed.

Borough Council issues.
Ian James from Borough of Swindon (Street smart) had been due to attend the meeting but was not present.
The local recycling door drop leaflet had been delivered, printed in English and KonKani but no other language. This has caused resentment amongst the Konkani speaking community.  Cllr Shaikh said the advice was not an issue but the language choice was.  In Swindon Advertiser report on 23rd May Cllr Donachie (SBC) had claimed that Konkani had been printed at the suggestion of BSACC.  BSACC had sent a letter to Swindon Advertiser to clarify its position.

Cllr Shaikh reported that at a recent Borough staff and councillors' meeting Mark Walker had said that no residents wanted to have Borough CCTV cameras on their property.  Cllr Shaikh had found five willing residents.  Cllr Shaikh also reported that SBC was unwilling to clear flytipfrom empty private properties even though it had legal powers to do so.  Cllr Shaikh said that addressed correspondence in flytip might not be sufficient evidence for prosecution.

Cllr Shaik said she wanted shop owners to be more responsible for rubbish, pallets etc.
Cllr Saikh said she would report back to BSACC after the next Borough staff and councillors' meeting on Streetsmart issues.

In reply to a question, Cllr Firmin said that letters had been sent out in the past advising residents on how to complain about Flytip etc and it might be possible to repeat this
Cllr Firmin agreed that the Community Council area made a significant contribution to the Borough's economy in Council Tax and other benefits.

It was noted that there seemed to be more residents' parking permits issued than available spaces.  Some cars had been see displaying permits with incorrect registration numbers.  This had been passed on th Cllr Bob Wright who was looking into it.

Broadgreen Street Food Festival.
Gifty Tawaih reported on progress. Extra volunteers would be posted to help residents with cars who were affected by the road closures. A volunteer litterpick would take place on the proceeding Thursday  (13th June)

Crime Statistics.
Rob Williams presented the latest available police statistics.

Confirmation of the minutes from 1st May
Proposed;  Mo Chaudhry, Second; Rob Williams, carried.

Confirmation of the treasurer's statement
Proposed John Freegard, Seconded; Paul Izquierdo, carried.