Members present; chair Pam Freegard, treasurer Bob Walter, IT Secretary Robert Williams, Brenda Arnold, Dianna Banner, Muhamad Chaudhry, John Clark, Violet Clark, John Freegard, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnson, Bob Wedge.
Also present;
Rachel Ind (SBC envirocrime team)
Cllr Bob Wright (SBC)
John Firmin (South Swindon Parish Council)
Brenda Warwick (resident).
Apologies for Absence; Cluniford Mason, Evelyn Mason, Pat Townsend, Roy Townsend
Confirmation of minutes from 5th September.
Proposed; Bob Wedge, Seconded; John Freegard, carried.
Parish Council issues.
Cllr Firmin announced a community litter pick on 28th October, starting at 10.00 am.
Borough Council issues.
Cllr Wright reported on various issues as follows.
Obstruction of pavements, for example with commercial wheelie bins or parked cars was prohibited by law and could be reported to the police. It could also be addressed by SBC parking services or environmental services as appropriate. Budget Bikes had been fined (£70 per offence) but this did not seem to be an effective deterrent. It was brought up that bikes were being tested in alleyways in the area. Parking in alleyways within the residents' parking zone was restricted by the 'gate' signs where there were no double yellow lines.
Changes to the County ground Car Park were being considered to deter antisocial car use.
A new mini car park was planned near the cricket pavilion. Cllr Wright would pass on concerns that this would add to existing confusion at the Manchester Rd/County Rd junction and was proposing better signage and physical alterations here.
Wiltshire Police were aware of a spike in prostitution and drugs issues in the Broadgreen area.
Use of the £30000 discretionary CMF grant was still outstanding. There would be a safe and well event at the Broadgreen Centre on 6th December, 3pm to 6pm.
Environmental issues - guest Rachel Ind.
There had been an outbreak of rats in the Haydon St. area, possibly due to the use of blue bags rather than wheelie bins for domestic rubbish. An experiment with eurobins had not been successful as waste was not being put in the bins effectively. In reply to questions a food waste collection would be considered and inappropriate waste presentation was being checked for evidence that could lead to prosecution.
There was an inconclusive discussion on the use of CCTV evidence - Rachel Ind would take comments for further investigation.
Other comments from residents included rat sightings at Shrivenham Rd. Various pavement obstructions and difficulties with the digitised menu when tying to contact SBC by telephone. These would be looked into.
Confirmation of the treasurer's statement
Proposed; John Freegard, Seconded ; Paul Izquierdo, carried.
The treasurer reported that the 2017-2018 accounts had been audited. A donation to Wiltshire Air Ambulance of £100 in lieu of the auditor's fee was proposed by Bob Wedge. seconded by Pam Freegard and carried unanimously.
Other business.
Chair Pam Freegard reported that Some of the issues surrounding the breakfast club had shown improvement.
Residents association for the Swindon Town Centre located, "Broad Street Area Community Council." And general stuff related to that.
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Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Minutes from the Community Council meeting held on 3rd October 2018.