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Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Minutes from the Community Council meeting held on 2nd November 2016

Members present; chair Pam Freegard, Treasurer Bob Walter, IT secretary Robert Williams, Muhammad Chaudry, John Clark, Violet Clark, John Freegard, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnson, Cluniford Mason, Eiles Robinson, Madge Sutton, Bob Wedge.

Also present; Frances Barrone Pam Jones, Rachel Ind (SBC)
                     PC Luke Atkinson, PCSO Patch Swindle (Wiltshire Police)
                     Geof Porte, Sandra Porte (residents)
                     John Markey

Apologies for Absence; Diana Banner, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Pat Townsend, Roy Townsend.

Police issues.
PC Atkinson Presented his report and statistics as attached.
In reply to a question PC Atkinson said that new officers on the Community Policing Team, along with PCSO Swindle, would be attending BSACC meetings.
Following up from the October meeting, PC Atkinson said that 101 was still the preferred telephone number for reporting prostitutes and that responses should be improved by the new arrangements.
Also from the October meeting, Frances Barrone would refer the County Rd taxi lane issue for a definitive answer.


01-10-16 to 31-10-16 reporting period.

year 2015year 2016
Criminal Damage68
Theft & Handling1313
Drug offences24
Dwelling Burglary53

Year to date for October 2016 incidents of crime have marginally increased for Criminal Damage, and Drugs. Incidents of Dwelling Burglary have reduced. Criminal Damages have slightly increased from last year due to several vehicles being damaged on the same night.

Assaults have increased by a large number although this figure is slightly inaccurate as four of the twenty-one incidents in October relate to assaults on Police Officers whilst arresting suspects.  Another three of these incidents have occurred at the same repeat address.  Taking these into consideration the assault figures are very similar to October 2015.  Eight of these twenty-one incidents relate to domestic violence incidents.

Figures for drugs have increased due to four persons being arrested for possession with intent to supply during the same incident.


There have been 14 calls to Police relating to Anti-social behaviour in the last month.  I have monitored the logs over this period and severs of these do relate to street drinkers around the Manchester Road alleyways.  The Wiltshire Policing model is changing as of 7th November 2016 and anti-social behaviour in the Broadgreen area is one of the Sector priorities moving forward.  As such specific ongoing patrols will be taking place in the area by the new Community Policing Team Officers and will be collated by myself.

Community Policing Teams

Wiltshire Policing have been working for the last year on developing a new Policing model.  Effectively this means our Neighbourhood Policing Teams, Response Policing Teams and Local Crime Investigating Teams will be merging as of Monday 7th November 2016 to become new Community Policing Teams.  My own role will be changing; I'll no longer be the Community Beat Manager for Broadgreen  but will become the partnership lead for the area instead. I'll have responsibility for liaising and engaging with other agencies to deal with long standing problems and will have nine Police officers spread between five teams who will assist me in the area. This will hopefully provide greater Policing coverage in the area than we have currently have.  This model has been operating in the County Police Division successfully and hopefully that will be reflected in Swindon in the future

Police is an intelligence driven business and we would urge you to contact Wiltshire police on 101 if you have something you need to tell us.  Or alternatively email Community Co-ordinator PC 2410 Luke ATKINSON on luke.atkinson@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk

Flytipping and Littering.
Rachel Ind and Pam Jones gave a presentation on the work of the new enviro-crime unit set up in July 2016.  There were currently only three enforcement officers for Swindon, but patrols would be allocated to Broadgreen.
Littering could result in fines of £100 (£75 if paid within 14 days) and £300 for businesses.
About 200 fixed penalty notices had been issued across Swindon since July.
Local schools would be engaged with a lapel sized sticker design competition. It was suggested that larger posters might be tried, for example in shops. It was also suggested that the scheme to encourage marking alcohol with the name of the off-licence could be revisited.
It was noted that litter tended to be worse after bin collection day, apparently due to scattered loose waste.
Pam Jones would be at the Community Centre every Tuesday from 10:30 am

Locatities issues.
John Markey, a first aid trainer, offered help with choosing a housing for the defibrillator.
The Christmas Fayre at the Community Centre had been cancelled due to problems with the hall floor.
The possibility of a community supper and 'big lunch' in the summer had been suggested.
Eiles Robinson had looked into the cost of commercial tarmacking of the community centre playing surface (£10,000+) but it was pointed out that any such work was likely to be carried out by SBC's own preferred contractor.
There had been some confusion over changes to bin collection days.  It was suggested that too many issues had been covered in the explanatory door drop.
Interest was sought for a possible visit to the Borough recycling centre.

Other business.
Chair Pam Freegard had attended a planning meeting regarding illuminated signage at no's 4-8 Manchester Rd.  A small concession had been secured on light level but otherwise it was felt that local concerns were largely ignored.

Minutes from meeting on 3rd February 2016 and 2nd March 2016.
Proposed;  Mo Chaudhry; Second; John Freegard, carried.

Treasurers statements for 7-12-2016.

Broad Street Area Community Council 07 December 2016

£  £
Income 0.00 0.00
(difference) 0.000.00
At 2nd November 2016££
Petty Cash114.32
At 7th December 2016
Petty Cash114.32

Confirmation of the Treasures statement.
Proposed;  Mo Chaudhry; Second; John Freegard, carried.

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