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Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Minutes from the Community Council meeting held on the 3rd August 2016

Members present; chair Pam Freegard, treasurer Bob Walter, Brenda Arnold, Diana Banner, Muhammed Chaudhry, John Clark, Violet Clark, John Freegard, Paul Izquierdo, Cluniford Mason, Eiles Robinson, Madge Sutton, Bob Wedge, Robert Williams.

Also present; Bob Wright, Julie Wright, (Central Ward councillors).

Apologies for Absence; Kate Johnson, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Pat Townsend, Roy Townsend, PC Luke Atkinson, Frances Barrone.

Confirmation of the minutes from the meeting on 6th July 2016.
Proposed; Paul Izquierdo, seconded; Mo Chaudhry, carried.

Police issues.
PC Atkinson was unable to attend due to police business but left a report and statistics as attached.


01-07-16 to 31-07-16 reporting period.

year 2016year 2015
Criminal Damage12
Assaults12 (3/12 incidents of domestic violence)12
Theft & Handling12 (8/12 incidents relate to thefts from commercial premises)17
Drug offences43
Dwelling Burglary11

Year to date for July 2016 incidents of crime are at a reduced level compared to July 2015 figures.  There has been one incident of dwelling burglary where an external door has been forced with no entry gained and no property taken. Pleasingly there have been no reported robberies for the month.  Drug offences have increased due to two males being arrested for a warrant which was executed around the Manchester Road area - A number of weapons and Class A drugs were seized


Anti-social behaviour reports have marginally increased in the last month compared to June 2016. This is reflected by a spike in the figures since the schools broke up for the Summer holidays and is seasonal as reflected in previous years.  Complaints of littering around Shrivenham Road Canal path have ceased and in partnership with Swindon Borough Council's environment enforcement team, persons have been prosecuted for fly tipping.
In relation to the anti-social behaviour taking place outside William Hill Bookmakers, we have arrested one of the males known to Mr. Wedge as 'Danny' for drunk and disorderly. Due to his behaviour the Home Office Immigration Department have executed a deportation order to return him to his home country.  A further male has been issued an injunction warning letter approximately two weeks ago for causing persistent alcohol related anti-social behaviour and hasn't returned to the area.  These are the two main perpetrators so hopefully the problem in this area will now be solved.

Community Policing Teams

I've now been confirmed in post as the Community Coordinator for Broadgreen under the new Policing model due to start in November 2016.  This will slightly change my roles and responsibilities but as I'll still be the designated Officer for the area.  Having spent 4 years here already I'm pleased to be able to continue my work and will have a number of colleagues to introduce to the area when the new model begins.

Apologies- Unfortunately I'm not in attendance this evening as I'm working on an operation in the area until midnight tonight but I'll hopefully see you all in early September.

Kind regards


Policing is an Intelligence driven business and we would urge you to contact Wiltshire Police on 101 if you have something you need to tell us.  Or alternatively email Community Beat Manager PC 2410 Luke ATKINSON on luke.atkinson@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk

Councillor's issues.
The councillors' team would be objecting to the retrospective planning application for ATM at Nasza Biedronka (4-5 Manchester Rd) on grounds of illegal parking and light pollution. It was also noted that an ATM has been installed at Kubu's Polski Sklep.  The councillors were withdrawing support for the Athletics Club's takeover of the new facilities at the County Ground following the club's implementation of a £500 per day charge for other users.
There had been reports that prostitution was being displaced into other areas.
There was a discussion on the inadequate arrangements for new roads around the proposed replacement bus station in Queenstown.
The temporary car park opposite Carfax St health centre had been closed.  Parking was now back on the old school site, hopefully ending the one-way traffic infringements. Rubbish left by the breakfast club users was reported - the councillors were looking into solutions.

Other business.
It was agreed that BSACC would buy a selection of bulbs to improve the community garden area at the community centre.
Eiles Robinson announced a newsletter for the Broadgreen street champions and reminded the meeting of the consultation on library provision.
There was a discussion on the progress of the parishing scheme.

Treasurers statements for 7-9-2016.

Broad Street Community Council 7th September 2016

£  £
Income 0.00 0.00
(difference) 0.000.00
At 3rd August 2016££
Petty Cash62.81
At 7th September 2016
Petty Cash62.81

Confirmation of treasure's report
Proposed; John Freegard, Seconded; Mo Chaudhry, carried.