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Saturday, 25 June 2016

Community Governance Review (about Parish councils) meeting

There has been a posting for a meeting relating to the parish councils, which I stumbled across.  For the Broad Street area, the meeting is set to take place for:

Wednesday 29th June 7:00-9:00pm at the Broadgreen Community Centre

This is an except from the council poster put up in the Broadgreen community centre:

"Find out more about the Council's plans to give local people more power over local services by considering the potential of creating parish councils covering the entire borough. Space is limited to each venue, so please contact cgr@swindon.gov.uk or call 01793 464816 to register to attend."

I have looked for a related link on the Swindon council website regarding this meeting and there does not appear to be a link, which can be easily found.

I have found this, which may be of interest:


Timetable for the review

On 16th June 2016, Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet agreed to revise the timetable for the CGR to allow for further engagement sessions with residents to be held during June and part of July in order to address the issues raised in the Stage 1 consultation. The revised timetable is set out below:

Action Original Timetable Revised Timetable Outline of action
Stage 1 5th December 2015 to 30th March 2016 5th December 2015 to 30th March 2016 Initial Submissions invited
Stage 2 31st March to 30th June 2016 31st March to 29th July 2016 Prepare draft recommendations, including public engagement from 22nd June to 20th July involving maps and setting out illustrative outline parish boundaries
Stage 3 4th July to 16th September 2016 9th August to 30th September 2016 Draft recommendations published and comments sought
Stage 4 19th September to November 2016 3rd October to November 2016 Consider final submissions and prepare recommendations
Final recommendations November/December 2016 November/December 2016 Publish final recommendations
Implementation order January 2017 January 2017 Council to make order

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