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Friday, 5 March 2010

Broad Street Area Community Council meeting minutes - 2nd December 2009

PRESENT: Chair Karen Leakey, Vice-Chair Derek Sutton, Secretary and Archivist Kevin Leakey, Treasurer John Phillips, Muhammad Chaudhry, John and Vi Clark, John and Pam Freegard, Cluniford Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Val Purvis, Madge Sutton, Ros Timlin.

ALSO PRESENT: PC Diffin, Tim French.

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: John Banville, Karen Coulthard, Kath Cridland, Elizabeth Grady, Kate Johnson, Alan Jones, Kath Jones, Mike and Lindsay Ponting, Evelyn Mason, Pam Montgomery, Jean Norris, Sue Osbaldstone, David Webb, PCSO’s Bird and Turner, John Taylor - Broadgreen Community Plan.

CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES – 2nd December 2009 meeting.
These Minutes were confirmed and signed a true record. Proposed Pam Freegard and seconded by Val Purvis.


COMMUNITY POLICE REPORT – PC Diffin: There are 3 new priorities.
ASB – Halloween priority now closed. New priority – ASB at Tesco.

Cycling on pavements – This has replaced the speeding car priority, which is out of the range of the BG Police team.

Prostitution and drug problems at Amber Court – This has replaced the litter priority, which cannot be resolved by the Police team.

The Chair said that she had been speaking to people at various meetings and they had complained that their Police Team do not engage with them, however she was pleased to point out that this was not the case in Broadgreen, where we have a strong Tasking Group and our Police Team fully engage. The Chair thanked the Police Team and PC Diffin for his hard work since taking over as Beat Manager, which was fully backed up by the meeting by a show of applause.

GUEST SPEAKERS: David Brown and Patrick Williams – from RSVP -the Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme, www.rsvp-west.org.uk
David and Patrick attended the meeting in their capacity of raising awareness to the over 50’s concerning climate change and how that age group could help play their part in reducing their carbon footprint. An SBC Community Grant has funded them and the project is aimed at engaging as many groups and people as possible within this age group.

The main points raised in the discussion were as follows:

Since the Industrial Revolution there has been a rise in green house gasses and the average world temperatures have risen and so the facts point to ourselves as the cause of this, although the science does leave some uncertainties.

The over 50’s represent 30% of the population and studies show that they have the highest carbon footprint, around 20% higher for a number of reasons - they don’t go out so much and therefore have their heating on for longer and at the younger end of the group, tend to travel a lot. They would like to do ‘something’ but do not know what, but they are worried about the state of the planet they are leaving for their Grandchildren.

There is no silver bullet to this problem, we all need to contribute individually and as best as our circumstances allow, for example if you live out of town then you probably need a car, but you could look to alter other areas, like lowering the temperature on your heating thermostat.

Something needs to be done over the next 10 to 20 years to allow a transition from coal power stations to carbon free energy produced from wind and solar power. One personal view was that as we get a substantial amount of our electricity from France and therefore from nuclear power stations, nuclear power might be a short-term answer, at least to bide us over until such time as other sources of power had had a chance come on line. – Concerns were raised not only as to the safety of nuclear power and how the waste could be safely disposed of, but also the huge financial costs to us all, when the nuclear plants are decommissioned. Doubt was also raised about the building of wind farms in the future because so many people seem to object to them as well.

Details of what people can do to reduce their carbon footprint can be found online at this address –


Twice contacted Father Leslie concerning the Broad Street Trust and if Mrs McCue was ever voted on as an official trustee, because there seems to be no mention of this happening on any of the minutes.

From Charities Commission –
You have the power to amend the name of the charity using the amendment power in the charity’s Constitution – ie by the majority of the charity’s members passing a resolution at a Special meeting or at the AGM. You do not need our consent to do this, however we can refuse to enter a name on the Register if we decide it is:

· The same as, or too similar to, that of another registered charity, or
· Likely to mislead or cause offence to the public.

I have carried out a search on the Register and can confirm that at this time the name ‘Broadgreen Community Council’ is acceptable. However please note that we cannot guarantee the use of a name, or reserve a name, in advance of it being entered. Our acceptance of a name does not confer any legal rights over the use of that name.

Once the new name has been adopted, please forward to us certified copies of:

· The minutes of the general meeting showing the change that has been approved by the members, and
· The updated Constitution

To certify a document, a trustee or other officer of the charity needs to write the words “I certify this to be a true copy” and sign and date it.

With regards to your second query, I can confirm that the area of benefit cannot be narrowed, as this would have the effect of excluding potential beneficiaries in that area. The trustees must make all decisions in the best interests of the charity; as a narrowing of the area of benefit would of detriment to those potential beneficiaries they would not be able to make this decision.

Overgrown brambles behind Shrivenham Rd – This has been logged with Commercial Services, but is not a high priority at the moment.

· S/09/1673 - Football Stadium County Ground - Erection of a temporary unit to be used for retail sales - Application Granted - Delegated Decision

· S/ADV/09/2135 - County Ground - Display of a fixture board - Application Pending Consideration

TREASURERS REPORT: The books are still with the auditor, but the chequebook has been returned. Proposed Derek Sutton and Seconded by John Freegard

CHAIR REPORT: Wiltshire Fire Service have been consulting on proposed changes to how they work, they held a meeting at Westlea Fire Station which the Chair attended, unfortunately despite it being well advertised only 6 people turned up, it was however a very interesting meeting with everyone having plenty of time to input their thoughts and ideas.
Broadly Speaking will be printed shortly and a request was made for volunteers to help with the delivery.
A draft copy of an acceptable behaviour policy during meetings was put to the meeting.
There isn’t time during the meeting to talk about the tasking meeting and we do not have the finances to print off copies of the minutes for everyone, therefore as John Phillips is the BSACC representative on the Tasking Group, he agreed to oversee the minutes and pass on any relevant issues to the monthly BSACC meeting.
The Discovery Church in Corporation Street has now fenced off the area behind their church, where street drinkers had been congregating; the Chair will contact and thank them.
Swindon Strategic Partnership now has a committee dealing with the councils Connecting People policy and the Chair has been asked and has agreed to be the Town Centre Cluster representative.
Although we as Community Council struggle to get any funding as we don’t seem to tick the right boxes! It is still hoped that in 2010 the BSACC could set up a Leaders Forum in Broadgreen and maybe look at having a carnival or a big event at the County Ground, involving all the different groups in the area.
Broadgreen has constantly been viewed and held up in a positive light this last year and this is down to the hard work put in by BSACC members, so thanks were given to all members that have helped make this year successful and a special thank you was given to John Phillips for stepping forward as Treasurer and taking on what has turned out to be a very demanding job.
VICE-CHAIR REPORT: A resident in Broad Street has been having problems with a person drinking outside the breakfast club held at St Luke’s hall. She has approached the lady in charge, but was told the Police know about him and nothing was being done. The Chair said she would take this forward to the Tasking Meeting.


BROADGREEN HISTORY PROJECT: A Committee meeting was held before tonight’s BSACC meeting and a full report will be given in January.

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Although Karen Coulthard could not attend the meeting, she did send along a NW report:
Firstly, may I thank PC Michael Diffin, for the quietest bonfire night ever. There was no trouble of any kind within the Broadgreen area. Put that with the quiet Halloween we had, I think Michael and his officers deserve heartfelt thanks. Please can we have the same next year!!
Plus there was also news of a parcel delivery telephone scam.

SHRIVENHAM ROAD REPORT: Nothing to report.

COCKRAM COURT: Nothing to report.

WARD COUNCILLORS REPORT: No Councillors were in attendance and no apologies given.

B.O.N.D: Vice –Chair of BOND Pam Freegard reported that the evening event due to take place on the 17 January has now been moved back to the 30 January 2010 and the next meeting will be held in one of the back rooms.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Fish boxes are still being dumped from a shop in Broad Street. The Chair will speak to a Council Officer about this.
A dog is still running around the Broadgreen play area and using it as a toilet.
A person has recently been begging and harassing people for money as they have been going in and out of the Broad Street Mosque every Friday.
We are in credit with the printers of the BG Plan, may be we could have a coloured leaflet printed next year.
Andy Reeves at SBC cannot find any plans or paperwork for benches to be installed at the community garden, a plan has been sent to him about it. A meeting will be arranged in the New Year to discuss this with him. We have permission from the children’s centre to plant on their property.
Tim was glad to be back after being ill for the last 3 months. Broadgreen had not been far from his mind during this time.

Meeting closed at 9.45 pm.