PRESENT: Chair Karen Leakey, Vice-Chair Derek Sutton, Secretary and Archivist Kevin Leakey, Treasurer John Phillips, John and Vi Clark, John and Pam Freegard, Kate Johnson, Alan Jones, Kay Malko, Rebecca McIntosh, Mr Murray, Val Purvis, Madge Sutton, Ros Timlin.
ALSO PRESENT: PC Diffin, PCSO Outlaw, Councillor Derique Montaut and Tim French.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Karen Coulthard, Muhammad Chaudhry, Elizabeth Grady, Kath Jones, Cluniford and Evelyn Mason, Sue Osbaldstone, David Webb, Mark Walker – SBC, Caroline Hunt SBC
CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES – 2nd December 2009 meeting.
These Minutes were confirmed and signed a true record. Proposed Derek Sutton and seconded by Val Purvis.
MATTERS ARISING FROM THE DECEMBER 2009 MINUTES: There were no minutes for the January 2010 meeting as it was cancelled due to the heavy snowfall. With regards to the cycling on pavement problems, the Vice-Chair had noticed that a big warning sign had been put up at the Broadgreen Centre.
ASB at Tesco – The Police had words with a few people and for the last month there were no reports of any more problems. As school half term is coming up shortly, the Police will be monitoring the problem to see if it returns during this time.
Cycling on pavements – some warning signs have been put up and more are to follow, and an enforcement day is planned when anybody caught cycling on pavements in the area will be fined. It is hoped this will give out a message that cycling on pavements is prohibited and dangerous. Cycling on pavement has been a long-term problem everywhere and despite many crackdowns, has continued in the Town Centre for many years. PC Diffin suggested that one solution might be approaching the council to see if some of the wider paths might be converted to both a path and cycle track.
Prostitution and drug problems at Amber Court – Despite the report in the Adver, the Police Team have been working hard to sort out this problem and have made 3 arrests and detained 23 persons under Section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act. Officers have also executed 2 warrants under the Misuse of Drugs Act in the local area resulting in the seizure of 1kg of cannabis, a quantity of cannabis resin and 40gms of amphetamine, As a result 1 adult male was arrested at the location. A lock was put on the outside door of the building to stop people getting to use and sell drugs, but during a recent Police visit, it was unlocked and open, which is down to the residents to ensure it is locked.
There has been an increase in burglaries; opportunistic criminals who gain access to homes through open or unlocked windows and doors are mainly carrying this out, meaning that the majority of these crimes could easily be prevented by residents being more vigilant in making sure their homes are secure.
In Central, the Broadgreen NPT have also been involved in a number of operations including aiding Court Officers in pursuit of outstanding warrants, when 5 people were caught, resulting in £5000 of unpaid fines being recovered, and also working with the UK Border Agency leading to the detaining of 9 illegal immigrants.
A couple of problems were reported by residents – a street light in Gladstone Street had been out for sometime, it had been reported to SBC but not repaired and in recent days drug dealing had been witnessed in the same area.
School age youngsters had been seen on more than one occasion, deliberately throwing footballs across roads, right in front of moving vehicles.
Once again Pc Diffin reiterated the need to report crime when it happened and not wait until our monthly meetings. The Chair would be happy to contact the NPT on behalf of other people if required, and said that our NPT were very active in the community and good at responding to problems. Councillor Montaut suggested there should be some kind of recognition for the work that they do.
GUEST SPEAKER: There were no guest speakers this month
Twice contacted Father Leslie concerning the Broad Street Trust and if Mrs McCue was ever voted on as an official trustee, because there seems to be no mention of this happening on any of the minutes.
Received: None
· S/09/2318 - Land Adjacent To Jurys Inn Hotel - Fleming Way - Erection of an office block with ground floor Class A3/A4 uses and associated parking - Application Pending Consideration
· S/ADV/09/2300 - 8 Shrivenham Road - Display of 1 no. non illuminated hoarding sign (retrospective.) - Application Pending Consideration
· S/09/2133 - 127 County Road - Retrospective change of use of dwelling to 2 no. flats (plus use of garage for bike parking) – Application withdrawn
· S/09/2238 - 92-93 Broad Street - Change of use from Shops (Class A1) to 1 no. dwelling (Class C3).
Comments: The Broad Street Area Community Council has no objections against the proposals.
Our only concern, although not relevant to this application, is it may be converted to flats at a later date
· S/09/1335 - Former Paragon Laundry, Aylesbury St - Partial demolition and erection of 118no. bedroom hotel and associated works - Application Granted - Committee Decision
· S/09/2240 - Former Thamesdown Bus Depot - Corporation Street - Temporary change of use to contractors compound and storage - Application Granted - Delegated Decision
This application and decision was greeted with some disappointment as it had been hoped that temporarily the unsightly hoardings might have been removed and the area grassed over until such time as the redevelopment of the area began.
A question was asked about STFC’s recent stories in the Adver concerning their stadium redevelopment plans and if anybody knew what they might be. Last year the Chair had a meeting with Council Leader Rod Bluh, and he made assurances that the club knew what they could do i.e. only develop on their current footprint, however neither STFC nor SBC have included residents in their talks. One big concern was Stratton Bank might be built higher, cutting out light and becoming overbearing for residents living adjacent to it in Shrivenham Road. Councillor Montaut said none of the Central Councillors had been involved in any talks although a meeting had been requested. It was agreed that we would contact both SBC and STFC to ask for an update and meeting to discuss what they plan to do.
174 County Rd – reported could be being converted to flats.
TREASURERS REPORT: Proposed Derek Sutton and Seconded by John Freegard
CHAIR REPORT: The Chair passed on the sad news that both Pam Montgomery and Pearl Winstone had recently passed away – condolence cards have been sent.
John Taylor has stepped down from his community voluntary roles to spend more time with his family. John will be sadly missed but the meeting agreed to thank John for all his work by giving him a thank you present.
Caroline Hunt left some plans and feedback forms for the County Ground play area refurbishment.
A bid for £1,850 has been put in to the Community Grant fund; this would be to run another Community Fun/Cohesion event this year.
On the 26th March, we have been asked to help at St. Josephs School with a project about ‘Campaigning’ – volunteers needed.
We have the opportunity to purchase a radio recording pack to continue the work started by John Taylor at 105.5 – the packs cost £145 volunteers for a media/editorial team were requested. It was agreed to purchase a pack.
A meeting has been set up with Jim Allmark from the Discovery Church in Lagos Street; this is to see if we can work together for the better of the area. The Chair will also be meeting with Jerome Chatman one of the Boroughs Engagement Officers to plan a ‘Leaders’ type forum to help bring the various groups together and share info etc.
There is now a mobile phone to allow more access to the BSACC.
We are still hoping to visit the Courts and Library for a tour and hope that Cllr. Montaut might be able to arrange a visit to the Civic Offices.
On the 17th August we have been invited to have a promotional area at the Children’s Fete in the GWR Park. This was agreed.
The Chair put the following plans and ideas forward for 2010 requested volunteers to help –
April -Street Party, evening cricket match. May - Fun day possibly on the 15th. June - Community Picnic and fund raising. July 18th the Big Lunch (national date), August - Street Athletic, BSACC open evening. September -Street Athletics’ celebration evening with Skeetz, Could also host a BSACC award. Funded by raffle. October - Broadgreen Street Games? Could we bring this back? December - Meal
Perhaps we could plan a Christmas celebration.
Further to this the Chair suggested in the interests of the area we should be looking to set up the following this year, again volunteers were requested - NHW co-ordinators – door knocking throughout year, Leaders Forum – work towards a 2011/12 Carnival, Business/Traders Forum? Look at setting up a ‘focus group’ to work with landlords? Young peoples Forum – aim is Churchfields and St Josephs to work together
Getting to know your community events, Clean up days, ‘Food for Thought’ event – food and drink for young people – provide information for them, ‘Tea time get together’ for the older people – get them out of their homes and mixing together. Street meetings – also MUST work with people in Shrivenham Road or encourage and help them set up a Residents Assoc/com council, Community Volunteers = Street Smart//Street Reps//Community Agents, Need to have an ‘action plan’ for looking after vulnerable people in Broadgreen area in case of emergencies etc and look for volunteers.
Before the main meeting an Officers meeting was held and the following agreed: Look at planning a 2011 Carnival, resign from both the Swindon Federation of Community Organisations and Neighbourhood Renewal Task Group as they no longer seem to be relevant to the BSACC.
VICE-CHAIR REPORT: A load of rubbish was dumped behind a property in Broad Street, it was reported but when the council came along, they left it – The Vice-Chair phoned the council to enquire why it was left, and was told they would get back to him by the end of the day – they didn’t.
Security - For the over 60’s, Help the Aged will fit locks and chains free of charge, as long as you have less than £20,000 in savings.
YOUTH REPORT: Skeetz will be starting a new art project with ‘no added sugar’ shortly. They hope to do something that could be displayed outside at the Broadgreen Centre.
BROADGREEN HISTORY PROJECT: The inaugural Committee meeting was held in December and the following was agreed:
· Name to be Broadgreen & Queenstown Community History Group
· Kevin Leakey to be Chair
· Committee – John Phillips, Derek and Madge Sutton, Karen Coulthard, John Taylor and Karen Leakey Admin.
· To continue to add to the archive, by talking to people about the area and its history, requesting the loan of photographs and documents so they can be scanned and copies stored electronically.
· Although the group will remain a sub-committee of the BSACC, funding will be sought at some point in 2010; this will allow us to run financially independent of the Community Council.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: No reports this month, but the Chair reminded people of the upsurge in burglaries and that people should be aware of the measures they take to secure their homes.
SHRIVENHAM ROAD REPORT: Overgrown brambles along the County Ground Extension fence and backsies have still not been cut back. Beer cans and general litter continues to be a problem in the extension, particularly by the seat behind Shrivenham Rd. The pond at the rear of Tescos has still not been cleared up – this is the responsibility of Thames Water.
COCKRAM COURT: Nothing to report.
WARD COUNCILLORS REPORT: Wi-fi, SBC has invested £450,000 in this scheme, concerns surround the lack of openness because only a small group of Cabinet members made the decision with no consultations with other councillors or residents. Broadgreen will probably be the third area to have this and the equipment will be put on every lamppost.
Although he had not studied it closely, Councillor Montaut talked to the meeting about the upcoming Council budget proposals and his concerns as to how it might affect the Broadgreen Area.
Cllr. Montaut was asked if councillors would be taking a cut in their allowances, as people were being told they had to take wage cuts and others were being made redundant within the Council. Cllr. Montaut replied that a panel made up from a wide range of people set the allowance increases, but a move had been made by the Leader of the Council to freeze the allowances.
B.O.N.D: Vice –Chair Pam Freegard reported that they held a successful evening event last Saturday at the Broadgreen Centre and everyone that attended enjoyed themselves. The only problem was the lack of heating throughout the centre.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Photo’s were shown of large items – mattress, sofa and TV, as well as lots of bin bags that have been dumped in the alley between Graham and Salisbury Streets – unfortunately as it is all on peoples property, albeit just inside the curtilage, this causes a problem for the council as they are not allowed to remove it.
Manchester Road - There is a lot of litter around Abbey’s shop and there has been scaffolding blocking the alley behind the Cash and Carry since before Christmas.
Meeting closed at 9.10 pm.
Residents association for the Swindon Town Centre located, "Broad Street Area Community Council." And general stuff related to that.
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Friday, 5 March 2010
Broad Street Area Community Council meeting minutes - 3rd February 2010