Members present; chair Pam Freegard, Treasurer Bob Walter, IT Secretary Robert Williams, Brenda Arnold, Muhammad Chaudhry, John Clark, Violet Clark, John Freegard, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnson, Brenda Warwick, Bob Wedge.
Also present; Cllr John Firmin (South Swindon Parish Council).
Ian James (Borough of Swindon - Streetsmart),
Sheila Ireson, John Pryce, Romaine Smolinski, (residents)
Apologies for Absence; Diana Banner, Cluniford Mason, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh.
Streetsmart issues.
Ian James, referring to an item in the May minutes, said that untidy shopfronts are a collective problem.
It was noted that a recent flytip fire had resulted in damage to private property in Rosebery St.
Streetsmart was appointing more wastewardens to advise residents.
Ian James confirmed that the CCTV camera in Haydon St was not funded from the Controlling Migration Fund budget.
SBC was considering a trial of a CCTV system provided by Vodaphone. The camera would be triggered by large moving objects (for examples cars) and monitoring by Vodafone. Details of suspected flytipping would then be passed to SBC for potential prosecution. A question was raised about protection of private data stored in the 'cloud', which was not resolved.
Ian James said the proposed door drop recycling leaflet would be delivered within a few weeks.
Reffering to previous comments by SBC representatives, it was pointed out to Ian James that legislation did exist allowing local government removal of flytip from private property.
Ian James would take the information away for consideration
Ian James accepted an invitation to attend the BSACC's June meeting for further discussion.
Confirmation of the minutes from April.
Proposed; Paul Izquirdo Second; John Freegard, carried.
Police issues.
Rob Williams presented some recent statistics (with handout) based on the police website. It was noted that a recent Swindon Advertiser report had exposed some reporting misrepresentation on this website, but the meeting consensus was that this was a useful substitute for the police report.
Other business.
The chair repoted that the remaining grassed area od the County Ground extension field were intended to be returfed.
Concern was raised over a section of road surface in Graham St which seemed to have been marked for repaired but forgotten.
Confirmation of the treasurer's report.
A misprint on the ststement was noted and corrected.
Proposed; Mo Chaudhry, Seconded; Rob Willimas, carried
Residents association for the Swindon Town Centre located, "Broad Street Area Community Council." And general stuff related to that.
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Wednesday, 1 May 2019
Minutes from the Community Council meeting held on 1st May 2019