Also present;
Cllr John Firmin (South Swindon Parish Council)
Cllr Bob Wright (SBC)
Gifty Tawiah (Broadgreen Centre Manager)
Jo Heaven (Project Coordinator, Big Breakfast)
Brenda Warwick (resident)
Apologies for Absence; Diana Banner, John Clark, Violet Clark, Cluniford Mason, Evelyn Mason, Pat Townsend, Roy Townsend.
There being less than ten members present formal decisions including confirmation of the July minutes and the treasurer's statement were deferred to the next meeting.
Policing issues.
It was reported by the chair that PC Thompson would not be able to attend future BSACC meetings as all police had been withdrawn from such events. A report might be available but only at two-monthly intervals.
Parish Council issues. (Cllr John Firmin).
A new project officer had been appointed by SSPC whose work would include progressing the improvements at the Broadgreen Centre MUGA (games area). Chair Pam Freegard asked for another waste bin near the centre to assist voluntary litter picking.
Borough Council issues (Cllr Bob Wright).
Cllr Wright had attended a community Safety meeting with the police and other agencies including BSACC. It was intended that this would develop into a replacement for the former localities meetings. The £30000 discretionary funding from the Controlling Migration Fund had not yet materialised but there were indicators that existing CCTV was reducing prostitution etc.
(see also last item in these minuted below)
Cllr Wright had attended a meeting of the Equalities and Inclusion Group at Central Community Centre and recommended that BSACC should consider adopting the charter.
Cllr Wright was asked about obstructive car parking at Broadgreen Centre and advised that the registration number be passed to Parking Services. He also refuted claims that SBC was powerless to move on rough sleepers in public places.
Big Breakfast (Jo Heaven).
Jo Heaven presented an outline of the breakfast club's operations. Most attendees were homeless but anyone could get breakfast without questions asked. Typically this would be 20-30 breakfasts each day between 7.00 and 9.00 am. Costs, about £5 per breakfast, were met from donations. The borough did not provide any financial support but along with the Threshold project supported the breakfast club by encouraging those in need to attend and providing other services. Big Breakfast was also represented on the SBC homeless panel whose aim was to encourage the homeless into accommodation whenever possible.
The folllowing discussion centred on the adverse impact of the club on the Broadgreen area. It was understood that not all the litter and nuisance was due to the club and that it was impossible to determine what was and was not. However it was accepted that there might be some impact. Breakfasters would be reminded to respect the area and would be asked to do a daily litterpick as a goodwill gesture.
Broadgreen Food Festival 2019 (Gifty Tawiah)
Gifty Tawiah thanked BSACC for its supportive comments to the Parish Council. A provisional date of 15th July was being considered for 2019 and Gifty asked for feedback. The consensus was that a clash with some other local event was almost inevitable but might be mutually beneficial.
Community Safety meeting.
Chair Pam Freegard, reported on the meeting referring to elsewhere in these minutes. Issues raised included those in the attached list. The arrangements for car access to and from Manchester Rd at the shops No's 1-7 were considered 'safe' by SBC's representative. Various issues were discussed to be put forward to the next safety meeting. Some preprinted forms were available from the BSACC chair for residents' own comments.
----------------------------------------attached list contents------------------------------------------------
Given up on normal routes
101 poor response and advise
Council no response for 40 minutes by phone
People do not have computers or can't use them - Phone councillors or inform community council
Adver enquiring about new street gang
Gang looking after drug distribution
Witnessed by residents but not Police?
Witnessed by other councillors, confronted
Tap and Barrel - Noise not being addressed in a timely manner, petition
Last report about Sunday to Chair of Community Council
Street Drinking to 2.00am been going on for two years, always seems to have other priorities or do not patrol
Dirty Streets and Alley ways
Going backwards
Cameras not deployed
Safe and Clean
Landlords tipping or new residents
Shop Euro bins on streets, paths or alleyways
Twice in recent times referred as red light district
Obstruction Parking
Parking on Manchester Road
Alley ways rear of Manchester Road
Budget Bikes
Boy Racers Rat Run
Tescos County Ground
Show offs on streets - what evidence do you need
----------------------------------------end attached list contents------------------------------------------------