Also present; Cllr Bob Wright
Apologies for Absence; Diana Banner, Pat Townsend, Roy Townsend, PC Craig Thompson.
(with only nine full members present decisions including confirmation of the previous minutes and the treasure's statement were deferred to the next meeting.)
Borough and Parish issues.
The Controlling Migration Fund left about £30,000 discretionary spending including for new CCTV cameras. Ideas were being sought for possible locations. Cllr Wright said in reply, to a question that SBC did use dummy cameras. It was asked if a breakdown of CMF spending could be obtained.
It was observed that the washing machine water was being put down storm drains, suggesting a rise in unregulated house occupancy. Also a change in flytip behaviour suggested regular disposal of household rubbish by local residents.
There was a discussion on new proposals for the road system in Queenstown. A ground level car park was being considered.
Vehicle accidents were still occurring. Vehicle activated signs were no longer being considered ans SBC was unwilling to intervene in the issue of cars reversing no to Manchester Rd from No's 1-8. It was noted that illuminated bollards were not being maintained.
Parking issues remained. Asked if there were more permits than spaces Cllr Wright suggested BSACC should submit a written question. Illegal taxi parking could be delt with by reporting the licence number to SBC Hackney Licencing (Bryan Shears).
There were powers to control untidy shopfronts. This might come under the Controlling Migration Fund Safe and well initiative.
Cllr Wright suggested BSACC should ask SBC to include it as a consultation stakeholder, BSACC might also consider approaching Civic Voice.
Police issues.
No one was available from Wiltshire Police but a report and statistics had been provided and these were read out by the chair (attached).
BSACC had sent a letter to the Police Crime Commissioner regarding the inaccurate reference by a police officer, in a recent TV Programme, describing Broadgreen as a "red light area"
Police report and stats as attached.
Good evening ladies and Gentleman, firstly I'd like to pass on my apologies for not being at tonight's meeting because my plan was to be there. I have now taken over the area after PC Atkinson has been moved to a different area. I have worked alongside PC Atkinson for the last couple of years so I am well aware of the main issues in Broadgreen.06.12.18
If there is any other issues you feel you need to make me aware of then please feel free to get in touch via my email
I now cover Broadgreen alongside the area of Kingshill and Old Town so please bear with me if you direct any queries to me but U will get round to them at some point. Also with me covering such a huge area this will make it difficult for me to be present at every meeting but I am hopefully of being at the next one.
Below is a rundown of the stats from the period of 01/11/2016-06/12/2016 and the same timescale this year.
01-11-17 to 06-12-18 reporting period. | ||
year 2016 | year 2017 | |
Criminal Damage | 6 | 3 |
Assaults | 26 | 17 |
Theft & Handling | 13 | 18 |
Drug offences | 3 | 1 |
Dwelling Burglary | 3 | 0 |
Robbery | 2 | 3 |
- Alcohol related Anti-social behaviour and large gathering of groups
- The Supply and usage of Class A Drugs
There have been 21 calls to Police relating to Anti-social behaviour in the last month. These relate to street drinking, general anti-social behaviour in the area and youths causing issues in and around the Broad Green area.
If anyone sees anything suspicious then never feel like you can't report it. Something that you might think is not important might be important to us. I like to think of information we get as a piece in a jigsaw and that information you have maybe that final piece.
Best Wishes
Police is an intelligence driven business and we would urge you to contact Wiltshire police on 101 if you have something you need to tell us. Or alternatively email Community Co-ordinator PC 2415 Craig THOMPSON on
Other business.
A letter had been sent to Cllr Renard at SBC regarding the litter in the derelict parts of Queenstown and there had been a noticeable improvement since. A reply to a follow up letter is attached.
Network Rail had issued a letter to some residents warning of ongoing electrification work for the whole of 2018.
Treasures report.
A statement was presented (to be confirmed at the next meeting). It was noted that the notice board fronting Broad St was being repaired by the original supplier as the cheapest and most convenient option.