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Wednesday, 4 March 2015


MEMBERS PRESENT : Chair Karen Leakey, Vice-Chair Pam Freegard, Secretary and Archivist Kevin Leakey,Treasurer John Freegard, Muhammad Chaudhry, John Clark, Vi Clark, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnson, Cluniford Mason, Madge Sutton, Ros Timlin, Roy Townsend, Bob Walter, Robert Williams

ALSO PRESENT: Gary Lamont and Leanne Taylor Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, Josie Lewis - SBC Environmental Enforcement Officer, Cllr B. Wright

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Diana Banner, Kay Malko, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Pat Townsend, Mark Walker, SBC Town Centre Locality Lead, PC Atkinson - Broad Street Area Beat Manager, PC Kuklinski - Vice Officer, PCSO Millarvie, PCSO Mervyn-Smith, Frances Barone - Town Centre Locality facilitator, Cllr. J. Wright

CONFIRMATION OF THE NOTES: 04 February 2015 drop-in. These notes were confirmed and signed a true record. Proposed by Ros Timlin and seconded by Pam Freegard


NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE TEAM : The Broadgreen Police Team forwarded their apologies as they were not available to attend the meeting.

GUEST SPEAKER: Gary Lamont and Leanne Taylor- Wiltshire Wildlife Trust

Gary and Leanne gave a brief but informative report about the possible alterations that could be made around the Broadgreen Centre to improve the look. Residents will be engaged with and will lead the project, initial proposals include raised beds and a toddler space – sand/mud play with seating for parents, at the entrance side of the building. Former rose garden – by the Children's Centre entrance – more traditional planting behind the fences. Fenced area in front of Children's Centre hut – remove 2 trees that are not very health, replace with raised vegetable gardens and renew fencing. Small unused fenced area between Salisbury Street and children's play area – leave grassed, but add sensory plants. Most of the alterations will be fairly low maintenance.
Concerns raised – vandalism, drunks, dog mess.

SBC Environmental Enforcement Officer - Josie Lewis
Update on work undertaken over the last month.
Issues discussed – Manchester Road - Bins at the back of the Polish shop, bins from the flats at the rear of the Hoover Centre. Bins at the shop at 64 Broad Street. Shop on corner of Manchester Road and Ponting Street - selling fish from side door.

COUNCILLORS REPORT – Forwarded by Cllr. J. Wright
County Ground – Athletic track area/Bowls
After campaigning hard we are pleased that as well as renewing the running track new facilities are to be installed at the County Ground. The new facilities include a clubhouse and toilets. We have been trying to get these since 2006 when a new track was not required but these facilities were.
Due to funding cuts the County Ground Bowls Club is amalgamating with the North End Club. A new shared club house should provide fund raising opportunities. New ways of paying for the Bowls activity has to be developed and will be a challenge for the club. We are looking for other site users to also use the facilities and provide revenue. Planning
1 to 8 Manchester Road is still proving to be problematic. The agent for the applicant has provided a drawing detailing the parking to be installed. We have written back as we don't think this is something that can be controlled. The agent is insisting the Restaurant is not a take away. Reports show this is being used as takeaway. It may be designed as a Restaurant but it is being used differently. This matter may go to the planning committee if improvements are not made.
The wooden/plastic sheet shelters on some shops have gone up unlawfully. One of the shops is going to take their shelter down and going to replace it with a heavy duty awning. Enforcement action is ongoing for the other shelters. Also one of the shops on Manchester tried to use space designed for waste bins and parking as a business space. Action has taken place however it looks like there is still business activity going on behind closed shutters. This information has been passed to planning for enforcement consideration.

Free Shop
Another successful event took place on the 28th February. This is helping with fund raising for one of the lunch clubs. We hope this becomes a regular monthly event. Another different event is being arranged so the other Lunch Club benefits.

New Health Centre
We continue to liaise with Kate Liddington the new Associate Director for Primary Care (CCG). We have questioned that the new premises will account for the expanding Town Centre population (1000 new homes).
The operational times of the new walk in centre has been confirmed as 8am to 8pm
The applicants will be happy to meet residents with the aim of explaining the plans and construction timetable. It has been suggested that this is done after the planning application has been submitted. It also planned to involve a representative from NHS Property Services as they will technically be the head tenant.

Residents Parking
The experimental scheme has nearly come to an end and a few changes now need to take place. These will include a few corrections sought by residents. There will be increased dual use parking on Broad Street and Station Road in the day time.
Problems are being caused by casual parking at the entrance to the North County Ground entrance off County Road. Some drivers are actually parking inside the gates. The gates have been shut previously to stop this activity but the gates were broken by someone. We are looking to see if an improvement can be made with a parking scheme and the County Ground improvement work.

Parking on pavements
We have reported parking on pavements when inappropriate. This is becoming a regular problem on the main roads. We as a council are seeking powers for the PCSO's so they can tackle this type of unlawful activity.

New School Arrangements
Provisionally a public meeting is being arranged for parents on the 12th of March at the Civic Offices. This will give the opportunity for parents to give feedback on the changes being proposed. The provision is to help provide additional new places for the known increasing demand. A new school will offer new choices which the parents need to consider if they already have children at other schools.

Councillor Wright apologised and informed the meeting that councillors would be unable to attend the next two BSACC meetings due to the forthcoming elections.

SENT – Questions to Mark Walker, from Feb. BSACC meeting

RECEIVED – Info Mark Walker re questions asked at February meeting.

S/15/0237 - 175-176 Manchester Road SN1 1TU - Erection of a two storey rear extension and conversion to 4no. Flats - Application Pending Consideration - Case Officer - Miss Heather Carlisle
S/14/1595 - 1-8 Manchester Road SN1 2AB - Change of use from Shops (Class A1) to Restaurant/Cafe (Class A3) REVISED DOCUMENTS car parking spaces added - Application Pending Consideration - Case Officer - Mr Ian Halsall

TREASURERS REPORT - to 04 March 2015: John Freegard
The monthly Treasurers report was distributed to Members present
Proposed Muhammad Chaudhry - Seconded Roy Townsend

The following issues and points were raised and discussed
There seemed to be more prostitutes and associated litter around the area. Needles in gardens. 3 arrests were made at the STFC v Gillingham football match.

Meeting closed – 8.15pm