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Wednesday, 4 June 2014


PRESENT: Chair Karen Leakey, Vice-Chair Pam Freegard, Treasurer John Freegard, Secretary and Archivist Kevin Leakey. Members: Muhammad Chaudhry, John Clark, Vi Clark, Kate Johnson, Kath Jones, Cluniford Mason, Madge Sutton, Ros Timlin, Bob Walter

RESIDENTS PRESENT: John Fernando, Mohammed Khan, Ruston Pereira, Imtiyaz Shaiki, Robert Williams

Mark Walker – SBC Town Centre Locality Lead, Councillor’s - Junab Ali, Bob Wright and Julie Wright, Frances Barrone – SBC, N. Ahmed, Tim French, Kathryn Hawke, Azim Khan – Thamesdown Islamic Association

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Diana Banner, Paul Izquierdo, Kay Malko, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Ishmael Stevens, Pat Townsend, Roy Townsend, PC Atkinson - Broad Street Area Beat Manager, PCSO Millarvie, PCSO Rogers.

MEETING MINUTES, 07 May 2014: Confirmed Ros Timlin - seconded Kate Johnson

Due to unforeseen circumstances, none of the Broadgreen Police Team were able to attend the meeting


We are meeting with Traders on 10th June to discuss the changes to the experimental order for parking on Manchester Road. This includes two new loading bays on Manchester Road and the loading bays just off Manchester Road being changed back into limited waiting one hour parking bays.

We are also looking to implement changes to the experimental order for the Zone J parking scheme. We have met with officers and interested parties including residents, businesses, religious organisations to discuss potential changes to the plan. The changes requested will be outside of the gated resident areas with a change on Station Road. This should provide the flexibility requested without reducing the additional resident parking.

- There were also changes in Broad Street as part of the current review. Councillor Bob Wright explained that it was to be dual/flexible use in daytime and at night for residents; it did not affect residents parking availability but gave more chances for visitors and others to use it. This particular representation was from St. Luke’s with concerns about funeral parking and the Mosque. There was a new representation from the Church using the old St. John’s Ambulance hall.

Free Shop
We are interested in providing a Free Shop in Broadgreen Community Centre on a bi-monthly basis. Bob and I visited the Free Shop, which is held in the Eastcott to see how they work and were impressed with the benefits they bring to the community. They gave us good advice about what sort of items for the shop, for example, no electrical good unless they are PAT tested (no underwear or sleepwear and no large items of furniture). The only issue we may have would be with storage and we will be investigating this further. We would be grateful for your feedback, assistance and whether you would like to get involved with running this type of community service.
There were concerns about the storage of goods.

- The Chair offered some tables at the BSACC event at Broadgreen in July, to see if there would be any interest in a free shop.

Town Centre
A further meeting is being arranged to discuss the Key Area Design Brief for the Fleet Street/Bridge Street area. We update you as soon as we have further information. Crucial to this development will be access and egress to and from the area. This will be problematic with the closure of part of Fleming Way.

Wellington Street
Taxis are continuing to cause problems for residents living on Wellington Street. We have asked Parking Services to monitor times, dates and taxi numbers so that we can raise this with the individual taxi companies.

Alcohol Dispersal
We have reported street drinking and off license sales. This is being followed up with a new dispersal order. We have already given our support to the new order.

A number of new shops are opening on Manchester Road. One is a national company and could impact the other businesses.

- Councillor Bob Wright said there were 3 new shops opening by the Salisbury Street junction, and a replacement for the old Mirchi’s shop on the corner of Alfred Street, which now had a massive shelter at the front and roller shutters, this needed planning permission, which to date had not been sought, (Councillor Wright was following this up). This was a big national organisation and the small businesses with 2 or 3 people could be affected by the bigger more dominant business because they could afford to undercut costs or make changes to their business model that could affect others and therefore become the dominant force. This was important because it could change the nature of the area itself, which had been seen before with big stores causing high streets to shut, so it depended on the impact it had on jobs and local businesses, if it had an impact at all. There was also outstanding action to be taken against some of the shop owners concerning the shelters at the front of the shops that had not asked for legal permission to put them up.
It was asked who this national company was, Councillor Ali said it was Eurofood, based in Newport and they had branches throughout the country.

Buses in Railway Village
We have continued to object to buses travelling through the railway village and highlighted the damage they do to the heritage site. We have now called in the Cabinet Decision so that it will be challenged further through the Scrutiny Committee. We will continue challenge the decision to allow buses through the village and highlight the damage that buses cause to our heritage buildings.

- Lion Barrett was now the new head of Street Smart.


SENT – None

S/LDP/14/0880 - 85 Salisbury Street SN1 2AW - Certificate of lawfulness (Proposed) for the erection of a single storey rear extension - Application Pending Consideration -Case Officer - Mr Edward Snook

S/14/0583 - 78 Manchester Road SN1 2AJ - Erection of single storey side/ rear extension to form 3no. flats. Application Withdrawn - Case Officer - Miss Helen McCabe

TREASURERS REPORT - to 04 June 2014: John Freegard
Proposed Madge Sutton - Seconded Bob Walter


Mark reiterated that no conversations were being had with any individual groups or organisations over transferring the Broadgreen Centre to them. If and when that did happen, the people using the centre would be the first to know. At the moment the council would keep control and management of the centre but they would be starting to talk to the users later this month to see if they had any issues or aspirations to become more involved in the centre. Councillor Julie Wright said they (the councillors) would be against any particular group taking over, as they wanted it for all communities and not just one community.

Questions and concerns raised from the meeting The Home Zone signs had been removed and not put back up, leaving no reference to the fact that certain roads were Home Zones and shared surfaces, causing problems and confusion between pedestrians and vehicle drivers. Mark thought they may have been removed along with other signs during the Zone J works, but would ask the person dealing with the alterations.

Concerns were raised about speeding in the area throughout the day, especially with children playing outside, and a request was made for 20mph to be painted on the roads; Mark said that the council did not undertake speed enforcement, but would talk to the Police team about it. The council could also work with the local community with a scheme called ‘speed watch’ where around 6 residents could be trained to use hand held equipment that recorded the speed of vehicles, often the presence of people doing this was a deterrent to speeders.

MEMBERS - Any Other Business: None.

Meeting closed 7.55pm