PRESENT: Chair Karen Leakey, Vice-Chair Pam Freegard, Secretary and Archivist Kevin Leakey, John and Vi Clark, John Freegard, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnson, Cluniford Mason, William Murray, Madge Sutton,
ALSO PRESENT: PC Diffin, PCSO Rogers, Chris Hitchings – Forward Swindon, Tim French, Kathryn Hawke, Ishmael Stevens
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Treasurer John Phillips, Muhammad Chaudhry, Alan Jones, Susan Kane, Kay Malko, Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Beryl Phillips, Val Purvis, Ros Timlin, Mark Walker SBC
CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES: 07 March 2012 meeting. These Minutes were confirmed and signed a true record. Proposed by Pam Freegard and seconded by Val Purvis
WARD COUNCILLORS REPORT: There were no councillors present at the meeting.
Prostitution problems were down and enforcement was continuing.
The bail hostel in Rosebery Street was strictly supervised and no visitors were allowed after 10pm only 3 people were housed there at any one time and the Ministry of Justice decided who was suitable to be placed at the address.
A number of concerns were reported, including football in the streets, and someone living in a tent in Queen’s Drive.
7.40 pm: PC Diffin and PCSO Rogers left the meeting
GUEST SPEAKER : Chris Hitchings, Director of Development, Forward Swindon.
Whalebridge was essentially finished, although there was a small amount of grey top resurfacing to be done by the Jurys Inn for aesthetic purposes.
The ground had been cut on the old Police Station site for an 850-space car park and 45 housing units. The work was out to tender now and it was hoped that the building work would be completed by the summer of next year. Some of the existing car parks would then be closed.
Demolition work on the college site in Regent Circus was due to start shortly. 90% of the asbestos had already been removed but initial work involved removing materials of value – metal work etc for recycling. Once that had been done, the rest would be dismantled slowly with a nibbler, rather than ball and chain demolition.
The MECA in Regent Circus was purchased by the South West Development Agency, initially to be bulldozed as part of an ongoing acquisition of buildings in that area, but when the internal decoration was looked at, it was decided that it would be better to save it and reopen it as a venue for people. Although there were no plans to knock it down at the present time, that didn’t mean that it might not be redeveloped one day.
The Station forecourt upgrade was progressing, but had taken some time due to the need for the station to remain open and accessible throughout the works. Once completed it would be far more pedestrian friendly, with only room for 16 taxis. The drop off point was on the ground level and should be opened in the next few weeks.
It was asked why so many shops had closed down in the town centre and why the council charged such high rents? Chris explained that Swindon Borough Council didn’t own the shops but there was often confusion over what the council did own and were responsible for and in the town centre their responsibility was only the public realm. Ignis owned the whole of the Parade.
Sent – To Mark Walker - various issues raised at the March meeting
- Community Planning Forum – we wish to stay on their mailing list
Received – Community Planning Forum – requesting if we wanted to continue receiving invites and minutes.
John Phillips – No correspondence from SBC regarding a priority-booking form for room hire. He would pass the first aid kit, shelter and petty cash to Pam and when the books came back from the auditor he would pass them to Pam as well.
Mark Walker – actions taken on the various issues raised at the March meeting.
S/12/0378 - Land At Carfax Close - Change of use from highway to vegetable stall - Application pending consideration - Case Officer – Mr Rob O’Carroll
S/12/0358 - 42-44 Manchester Road SN1 2AG - Change of use from A1 (Retail) to A3 (Restaurant) - Application pending consideration - Case Officer – Miss Heather Carlisle
S/TC/12/0026 - Shrivenham Road, STFC, Telecommunication Mast - Prior Approval Application for the installation of 12 no. antennae on the existing floodlight column, the erection of an equipment cabinet and ancillary development - Prior Approval required and given - Case Officer – Miss Rachael Adams
S/12/0233 - 23 Manchester Road SN1 2AB - Change of use of part of ground floor to Class A2 (Financial and Professional Services) and installation of shopfront. - Permission granted – Committee Decision
TREASURERS REPORT - to 31 March 2012: John Phillips
Proposed by John Freegard and Seconded by Cluniford Mason
CHAIR REPORT: Karen Leakey - There was no Chair report for this meeting
Although it was agreed last month that after the June meeting the BSACC would meet bi-monthly, many people had expressed a preference for monthly meetings. The only way the Chair would be prepared to meet monthly was if the meetings were altered to drop-in sessions, which would probably run from 6.00pm to 8.00pm. The earlier time might then encourage more residents to become involved, especially as many people were interested and already had an input, but would not attend formal meetings. However 4 times a year, including the AGM there would have to be formal committee meetings to comply with our constitution.
The only other option for monthly meetings to continue would be for other committee members to put themselves forward to stand for the Chair and Secretary positions. There was a general feeling that people did not want the community council to close but there were no offers to stand for the Chair or Secretary jobs.
The Vice-Chair suggested that there could be a trial of monthly drop-in sessions. The Chair asked for a show of hands to trial this after the AGM, the majority of the meeting agreed to this.
It was asked what would happen if the drop-in’s did not work out? The Chair said that if no other committee members were prepared to step up to Officer roles then the future was bleak.
The Chair also said that both herself and the Secretary were no longer prepared to carry on doing the same volume of work as they had done previously and had been indicating this to the Community Council for the last 2 years, and yet despite explaining at the March meeting, the dire situation the community council was in, there had been no offers to fill the position of Treasurer and if this was still the case at the AGM in May then the Community Council would probably have to be suspended and there would be no drop-in’s or any other meetings. To enable the Community Council to continue John Freegard and Madge Sutton expressed an interest in taking on the Treasurer position on a short-term basis, if the task could be split between them.
Kevin and Karen attended a Swindon Heritage Coalition meeting on the 26th March at the Broadgreen Centre. Unfortunately only 7 people turned up, although apparently 4 more people couldn’t find the room. It was decided that no real decisions could be made about the direction of the group or priorities with so few attendees from local groups, however there was a general agreement that the idea of a coalition of groups to keep an eye on Swindon’s heritage was a good idea. Plans were made to consider having a proper launch where groups could display and advertise the work they did. It was also agreed that attempts would be made to see why so few people attended, when at the previous meeting there had been lots of representation from groups.
SHRIVENHAM ROAD REPORT: Still no contact from STFC, and there were still problems at the back of the County Ground.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS: The Borough would be having a week of action in Central, if any one wanted to help, please contact Mark Walker.
Young people were playing football in the streets, which was dangerous.
Concerns were raised that SBC were funding groups that benefited only single interests, rather than interests that would benefit everyone.
Whalebridge alterations – People didn’t think that Broad Street was any busier nor were there rat-run problems. Manchester Road seemed to be slightly busier, but it had not caused any problems; the biggest problem there was vehicles parking on the pavement and double yellow lines.
Meeting closed at 9.15pm.
Residents association for the Swindon Town Centre located, "Broad Street Area Community Council." And general stuff related to that.
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Wednesday, 4 April 2012