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Wednesday, 3 August 2011


PRESENT: Chair Karen Leakey, Vice-Chair Pam Freegard, Secretary and Archivist Kevin Leakey, Treasurer John Phillips, Muhammad Chaudhry, John Freegard, Paul Izquierdo, Kate Johnson, Cluniford and Evelyn Mason, Rebecca McIntosh, Beryl Phillips, Val Purvis, Madge Sutton, Ros Timlin

ALSO PRESENT: PCSO Bird, Chris Hitchings – Forward Swindon, Adam Kula - Adver

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: John and Vi Clark, Alan Jones, Susan Kane, Kay Malko, William Murray, Tim French, Councillor Derique Montaut, PC Diffin, Mark Walker SBC

CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES: – 06 July 2011 meeting. These Minutes were confirmed and signed a true record. Proposed by Ros Timlin and seconded by Pam Freegard

MATTERS ARISING FROM THE JULY 2011 MINUTES: The Chair said with regards to the prostitution report sent in by PC McIntyre, despite it saying the Police were working to eradicate the problem from Swindon we had been told that the problem would not be eradicated from this area, which was not what Chief Superintendent Howlett had told us when the Vice- Liaison post was created, therefore the Chair proposed that we made a request to PC McIntyre to attend the September meeting for a full update on the future Police plans concerning the problem. – PCSO Bird reported that an arrest connected with prostitution had happened the night before the meeting.
With regards to the fly tipping problems, the Chair reported that John Freegard had been having constant problems with rubbish in the alley behind his home and was so fed up he had got the problem highlighted in the Adver, which, after a Council spokesman initially told the Adver that the alley’s weren’t their responsibility, resulted in the Council quickly removing the rubbish.

WARD COUNCILLORS REPORT: Despite an illness in his family Councillor Montaut was going to attend the meeting, however the Chair suggested that being with his family was more important, therefore Councillor Montaut sent his apologies.

GUEST SPEAKER: Chris Hitchings – Forward Swindon
Mr Hitchings thanked the meeting for inviting him to speak and gave an update about the Whalebridge Roundabout work – Work was due to be completed by the 23rd December but it was a few weeks behind, which was due to a later starting date because of Bank Holidays in May, when it was felt people wouldn’t want lots of cones everywhere with no activity, however they were expected to catch up. The contractors were made aware of the importance of protecting the Rowan Tree at the end of Medgbury Road that was planted in memory of a former member of the Community Council and took care not to damage it when the underpass was demolished and filled in, the area will be finished off once the infill has settled. The new granite block pathway was being laid by Jury’s Inn and kerbstones and black top were due to commence shortly.
Questions and points raised: Will traffic be able to turn right into Corporation St. from Fleming Way once the work was completed? – No, the traffic will only be able to go straight into Corporation St. from Princes St and turn out of Corporation St. into Fleming Way heading towards the Magic Roundabout. People are having problems crossing Corporation St. and Fleming Way by the old Police Station site would it be possible to put a zebra crossing in? – There is a site meeting tomorrow and it can be discussed but better signage would probably be the way forward because a zebra crossing was looked at before the work started, but wasn’t feasible due to technical issues.
When will there be any new building at Union Square? – It is hoped that work will begin on the old Police Station site next year with an 850 place car park, residential units and offices or hotel or relocated health centre but in this recession nothing can be guaranteed, however Muse, the developers, have put a lot of time and money into Swindon already so it is doubtful that they would walk away.
We have been told the Carfax Street Health Centre would not be moving, is this correct? – There has been a legal agreement in place since 2003 and the PCT do want a modern building.
What is happening to the Mecca and College Site in Regents Circus? – The Mecca has been opened on a 5-year lease; the original barrel ceiling is still in place and may not be knocked down now. The developers bought the college speculatively but due to the recession this is an ongoing problem. When is the railway station forecourt going to be upgraded and is the millennium clock going to be put there? Work is expected to start at the beginning of September and the taxi rank will move to Gloucester Street, the Millennium Clock that had been in the town centre has been renovated by the makers, Cumbria Clock Co. and will form part of the regeneration.
It was reported that when traffic was backed up along Princes Street, buses were cutting through Gordon Road and Islington Street to get to Fleming Way.
The Chair raised a point that a number of people had wondered if the alterations to Whalebridge and the probable increase of traffic on Manchester Road because of it, might actually stop some of the problems that happen along there. This surprised Mr Hitchings, as people normally wanted to see less traffic, but said it was an interesting thought and he would pass the observations on. 8.20 pm: Mr Hitchings left the meeting.

Sent – Letter to Councillor Rod Bluh re having the Broadgreen name and boundaries recognised.

Received – email - Charities Commission news

Reply from Rod Bluh re Broadgreen name. - The comments have been read and the letter has been passed on to Rachel Ind a Highways Asset Manager to investigate and a copy passed to Mark Walker.

Karen – email from David Renard, re a new school in Central. - Nothing has changed in the last few months. Our school place planning work shows we will need a new school in the Central area to open Sep 2014. The architects have come up with 4 possible options (including the community centre) that all have their challenges and pros and cons. At some point, we will want to come out to the community to ask for their views on all the options but I don't think we're in a position to do this just yet.


S/TIME/11/0633 - Former Laundry Site Aylesbury Street - Extension of Time to previous permission - S/07/1544 for the erection of 66 no. apartments and partial demolition and conversion to form 3 no. commercial units ( Class A1/A2/A3/B1) – permission granted - Committee Decision - Case Officer, Mr Rob O’Carroll
S/11/1081 - Land Outside Tri centre Two, Fleming Way - Change of use of Highway to Street Trading fruit and vegetable stall - Application Pending Consideration - Case Officer, Mr Rob O’Carroll
S/RES/11/0950 - Former G W R A Sports Ground, Shrivenham Road - Erection of 239 no. dwellings, including public open space and associated works. (Reserved Matters from permission S/TIME/10/0412) - Application Pending Consideration - Case Officer, Miss Rachael Adams

TREASURERS REPORT, to 31 July 2011: John Phillips

Proposed by Val Purvis and Seconded by Cluniford Mason

The Treasurer proposed that, with the uncertainty surrounding the Broadgreen Centre possibly being turned into a school, the £1,000 put aside for the community garden, is transferred into our working capital. The members present agreed this.

Crime figures are all down.
ASB. Drinking has mainly been a problem in Queens Park where there isn’t a Designated Public Place Order to stop it, but there is DPPO’s in place in the Town Centre and Broadgreen. If people are having problems with people drinking in the street or alleyways then it is important to report it to the Police.
Fly tipping. This is an ongoing problem across the Town Centre, and is being worked on by SBC. – There was a general feeling from the meeting that people were fed up with the constant problems with fly tipping and that little or no action was being taken against the perpetrators. It was also thought that large items, furniture and white goods were being dumped by landlords or residents on short term lettings getting rid of items left by previous tenants.
Questions asked – Where is PCSO Turner now working? – At the moment he has been tasked to work on the Town Centre but PCSO Tariq Rogers is working on Broadgreen. Why are people allowed to park their cars on double yellow lines and the paths in Manchester Road? – If the cars are not causing an obstruction it is down to the discretion of Police Officers whether to book them or not. PCSO’s do not have the power to issue tickets.
8.40 pm: PCSO Bird left the meeting.

CHAIR REPORT: Karen Leakey
The next SSP conference is Tuesday 22nd November 2011.
We have a newsletter from Swindon Link.
The next OMG Meeting is in August.
Handouts were passed around about One Swindon
We have had an email from Richard Fisher and Mark Walker concerning how to progress with the fly tipping problems and about organising an important public meeting about it after the 15th August. Manchester Road seems to attract lots of problems that affect the whole area, and is something we need to discus at a future meeting.
The Broad Street Trust situation is still up in the air as we have been unable to raise a reply from Father Leslie despite numerous emails and phone calls. The Chair will continue to pursue this. Street athletics was very successful a couple of years ago, it would be good for it to return next year, Doug Imrie is on board with it, but it will cost around £6,000 to put on. The Chair gained a majority support from the meeting to look into this further.

It seems likely that Sanford Street School could be demolished as part of the Town Centre regeneration plans, as this is one of the few remaining historical buildings in the Town Centre, Kevin has written to Rod Bluh, Garry Perkins, Chris Hitchings and MP Robert Buckland informing them of the schools historical connections to not only the town but also the many Swindon residents that have passed through it over the years, the need for it to be saved and if it could not be used as a museum of Swindon.
There has been some possible encouraging news, Frances Bevan (Local and Adver historian) had been talking to Barbara Dixon, Curator Old Town Museum and it came up in their conversation that the old bus garage Coat of Arms was actually being stored in pieces at the museum this has yet to be confirmed as Barbara was on holiday.
Radnor Street Cemetery covers 10 ½ acres and the first burial was in 1881. There are around 33,000 burials including over 100 war graves and many local dignitaries including ex Mayors and GWR managers etc. It is now full and there have been no new burial plots since the 1970s and is now a nature reserve.
The Friends of Radnor Street Cemetery are holding another open day on the 20th August. The Friends are a fledgling group that are trying hard to raise the profile of the cemetery and highlight its historical significance to the town. Kevin said it was well worth trying to find the time to pop along on the 20th, to not only support the Friends but also enjoy the peace and quiet and great views across the town.
With regards to Jock Walkers fish shop in Manchester Road, Ros reported that he ran both a fish and chip, and wet fish shop.
Paul told the meeting that he had been on a tour of the MECA in Regent Circus and the inside is virtually as it was in the past, with the original flooring and barrel ceiling intact. As he worked there when it was a cinema, he was able to tell the present tenants all about it.

SHRIVENHAM ROAD REPORT: The bushes are still overgrowing at the County Ground.

NEIGHBOURHOOD/STREET WATCH REPORT: There is a phone scam going around, where peoples personal details were being sort.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Planning permission for a club proposed for the building at the rear of 126 Manchester Road was refused, however a number of residents reported that it was still being used as a Turkish men’s club. The fruit and veg shop at the north end of Corporation Street still have a big sign up, telling customers to park in Armstrong Street, which has residents parking. The drain behind Broad Street, at the end of Gladstone Street and Ponting Street alley is still missing its cover and is blocked with tarmac, causing flooding when it rains heavily.

Meeting closed at 9.10pm.