Broad Street Area Community Council Constitution
NAME: The Name of the Organisation shall be the Broad Street Area Community Council
(hereinafter called the ‘Community Council’)
1) The community council is established for charitable objects and purposes only.
2) In particular The community council is established to promote the benefit of the inhabitants of the community council area and its immediate environs, without distinction of age, sex, race, political or religious or other opinions, by associating the statutory authorities, voluntary organisations, institutions, businesses and inhabitants in a common effort to advance education and develop facilities and opportunities in the interests of social well—being with the object of improving the environment and conditions of life of the inhabitants; and to promote all or any objects for the benefit of the community which now or hereafter may be deemed by law to be charitable.
In furtherance of the above objects, but not further or otherwise, the Community Council may: obtain, collect and receive money and funds by way of contributions, donations, affiliation fees, subscriptions, legacies, grants and any other lawful method; acquire and hold property, or investments; affiliate to or accept affiliation from any body having objects similar to those of the Community Council; associate with and assist other charitable organisations having objects consistent with the objects of the Community Council; arrange and provide for or join in arranging and providing for the holding of exhibitions, meetings, lectures and classes or other functions.
Membership of the Community Council shall be:
1) Open to all residents, irrespective of tenure, within the area of benefit (As defined in the map attached to this document)
2) Membership shall cease immediately upon a person leaving the area of benefit, as defined in paragraph 1.
3) Representatives of groups or organisations, which operate or work in the area. The Community Council Executive Committee shall decide upon the eligibility and representation of any such groups or organisations.
1) An Executive Committee (here after called the Committee) shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the community council by a show of hands or a secret ballot and shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-election.
2) The Committee (Including Officers) shall consist of a maximum of 15 residents from the community council area, whose duty it shall be to carry out the general policy of, and be subject to any conditions imposed from time to time by the Community Council, to provide for the administration, management and control of the affairs and property of the Community Council.
3) Any vacancy on the Committee, may, if agreed by a simple majority vote of the Committee by a show of hands or a secret ballot, be filled by a resident from the community council area; any person appointed to fill such a vacancy shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the Community Council and shall be eligible for re-election. No more than a total of one-third of the total vacant Committee membership shall be filled in this way during the Committees year of office.
4) Officers of the Community Council shall include, Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
5) Officers of the Community Council shall be members of the Committee, but shall serve for a period of three-years and shall be eligible for re-election at the conclusion of their term of office.
6) Any vacancies for Officer roles may be filled by a member of the Committee. This must be agreed by a simple majority vote of the Committee by a show of hands or a secret ballot. Any person appointed to fill such a vacancy shall hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Community Council and shall be eligible for re-election. No more than a total of one-half of the vacant officers positions shall be filled in this way during the Committees year of office.
7) Committee members can be voted off if they have not attended three consecutive meetings without good reason and have not submitted their apologies.
8) The Committee shall meet not less than four times a year.
9) The Committee shall publish such standing orders as may from time to time be required for the administration of the Council in furtherance of its objects.
10) The quorum at meetings of the Committee shall be one third of the members, one of whom shall be the Chair, Vice-Chair or the Secretary.
The Committee shall have the power to co-opt persons who are not residents of the Community Council area to serve on the Committee, provided that the co-opted person has relevant skills and expertise that will enhance the work of the Community Council and provided that the number of such co-opted persons shall not exceed one-fourth of the total number of members serving on the Committee. Co-opted members shall be voting members.
The Community Council or failing the Community Council, the Executive Committee, may appoint such special or standing Committee as may be deemed necessary and may determine their terms of reference, power, duration and composition.
1) The Annual General Meeting of the Community Council shall be held annually at such time (not being more than fifteen months after the preceding Annual General Meeting) and place, as the Executive Committee shall determine. At least twenty-one clear days’ public notice shall be given by the Secretary, in such manner as shall be laid down by the Community Council. Other meetings shall be held at such times as the Community Council may determine.
2) Public notice shall be given in the form of posters located around the area, notifying residents about any Special General Meeting or the Annual General meeting being called. Notice should include information about the date and venue of the meeting, the meeting agenda and any proposed alterations to the Constitution.
3) Nomination forms for the election of members and Officers onto the Executive Committee shall be available from Officers and other Executive Committee members, and if practical to do so, should be available to download online and delivered to homes within the area.
4) Election of the Executive Committee shall take place by secret ballot at the Annual General Meeting. To help facilitate this process, if possible two neutral Scrutineers shall be appointed at the start of the meeting, failing that at least one neutral Scrutineer will be acceptable.
5) A Special General Meeting of the Community Council may be called at the written request of SIX members or by the Chair of the Community Council or by the Executive Committee. At least 14 days’ clear notice must be given and must clearly state the reasons for calling the meeting in the written communication from those requesting the meeting.
6) At the Annual General Meeting the business shall include the appointment of Auditors and the consideration of an Annual Report of the Community Councils work and of the audited accounts.
7) The quorum at meetings of the Community Council, including the AGM shall be 10 members. In the absence of a quorum, the meeting may be delayed for up to 15 minutes to allow a full quorum to be achieved. Business may be dealt with should there still be a failure to achieve a quorum but any decisions taken will only become valid after ratification at the next meeting at which a quorum exists.
The Community Councils year shall run from 01 April to 31 March. Once at least in every year the accounts shall be audited by one or more qualified Auditors.
The income and property of the Community Council, derived whensoever derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the Community Council as set forth in this constitution and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly in any manner by way of profit to any member of the Community Council. Provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith of reasonable and proper remuneration to any Officer or servant of the Community Council or the repayment of out-of-pocket expenses incurred on the Community Council’s business. The Community Council, or its Treasurer on its behalf, shall cause proper books of account to be kept with respect to all sums of money received and expended by the Community Council and the matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditure take place.
The Community Council may appoint and determine the appointment of a custodian trustee or a trust corporation of not less than three persons to act as trustees for the purpose of holding any monies or property belonging to the Community Council.
Alterations to the constitution shall receive the assent of a simple majority of the members of the Community Council present and voting at a Special meeting of the Community Council or at the Annual General Meeting. A resolution for the alteration of the constitution shall be received by the Secretary at least twenty-one clear days before the Meeting at which the resolution is to be brought forward. The Secretary shall give at least fourteen days public notice in writing of such a Meeting and shall include notice of the alterations proposed. Provided that no alteration shall be made to Clause 2 without the prior approval of the Court or the Charity Commissioners or other authority having charitable jurisdiction.DISSOLUTION
The Community Council may be dissolved at any time by a resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a meeting of the Community Council of which at least twenty-one clear days public notice shall have been given. Such resolution may give instructions for the disposal of any assets held by or in the name of the Community Council, provided that if any property shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Community Council, but shall be given or transferred to such other institution or institutions (having objects similar to some or all of the objects of the Community Council) as the Community Council may, with the approval of the Charity Commissioners or other authority having charity jurisdiction, determine. Such distribution should not take place until three months after the dissolution of the Community Council.
Constitution adopted 12th December 1972
Amendments made to the constitution 14th July 1994
Amendments made to the constitution 1st December 2010
All roads within the red boundary are in the constitutional area.
Alexandra road
Alfred Street
Armstrong Street
Aylesbury Street
Bathurst Road
Broad Street
Carfax Street
Corporation Street
Colbourne Street
County Road
Elmina Road
Gambia Street
Gladstone Street
Gooch Street
Graham Street
Haydon Street
Lagos Street
Manchester Road
Medgbury Place
Medgbury Road
Merton Street
Ponting Street
Rosebery Street
Salisbury Street
Station Road
Turl Street
Wellington Street
Volta Road
Copse Avenue – no’s 1 to 46
Shrivenham Road
Wills Avenue