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Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Planning objection success - County Road

planning objection success
Members of BSACC attended the SBC Planning Committee meeting recently as our community had grave concerns about yet another home being turned into a House in Multiple Occupancy.

S/09/0469/RO Location: 149 County Road
The proposal was change of use from residential dwelling (C3) to house in multiple occupation (Sui Generis) and single storey rear extension.

This planning application was brought to the planning committee due to concerns by residents and the community council. The Officers proposal was that planning permission was to be granted subject to conditions.

The Broad Street Area Community Council put these objections forward: (Read by Kevin Leakey - Secretary)

Whilst I am going to be talking about objections to 149 County Rd. the objections are intrinsically linked to the planning application at 151/153 County Rd.

Firstly, The ongoing conversion of family homes in County Road into multiple occupation properties goes against the Government Planning Guidance for Housing PPS3, which seeks to create sustainable, inclusive and mixed communities in all areas.
The main characteristics of a mixed community are a variety of housing, and a mix of different households such as families with children, single person households and older people.
Converting 149 into an HMO will go against this guidance by continuing the move to convert more and more homes in this area to HMO’s.
This trend is encouraging a single type of dwelling rather than a mix, and is leading to more families and older people leaving the area and discouraging new families from moving in, leading to an unbalanced mix of residents and housing.

Further to this, Whilst I understand that the east side of County Road, where this property is located, is just outside of the Central Area Action Plan boundary, County Road does in fact form an integral part of the Broad Street Area, and the Broad Street Area is an integral part of the Action Plan, and to quote from the plan, it says –
‘The growth in the number of Houses in Multiple Occupancy (HMOs) in the Broad Street area is a major concern’
Which highlights perfectly that there is a problem with HMO’s in the Area and this application, if given permission will simply add to the problem.

Secondly the anti social behaviour. To date there have been ongoing problems with rubbish, noise - noise being a particular problem at night, and anti-social behaviour at 151/153 County Rd, which has been corroborated by the Police, and while I understand we are talking about 149, and the Committee has to look at the application from a purely planning perspective, and anti-social behaviour may take you outside of the realms of that planning perspective, I would still urge you all to take on board the anti-social aspect of the objections because, if permission is given, 149 County Rd. will become linked to 151/153 forming one single HMO.

If there is a need for an onsite manager for these properties, as forms part of the application, then it needs to be asked why?

And looking at the Design and Access Statement it gives you the answer - the reason given for an onsite Manager is - ‘it not only benefits the people in these rooms, but also provides a more stable environment for neighbouring properties’.
So saying – it will provide a more stable environment for neighbouring properties, suggests that things are not very stable now, and if this is the case, bearing in mind that there is already managers facilities in 151/153, then anti social behaviour is an issue that has not been dealt with to date and the current onsite management is not working so can only lead to the conclusion that the rubbish, noise and anti-social behaviour will only get worse, to the detriment of those living in neighbouring properties.

So to conclude, bearing in mind that SBC has no adopted HMO strategy to curb the amount of homes being converted, if you cannot fully justify this application against the objections raised, then I urge you to reject the application, this will not only help preserve a family home, but also help prevent the current move in equilibrium to a primarily HMO community.



EVERYONE IS WELCOME - see details below:

Street Athletics is a very simple and highly effective community focussed youth engagement programme created by Olympic Gold Medallists Linford Christie and Darren Campbell. The programme is targeted at disengaged, disaffected, low self esteem young people aged under 20.
It targets youngsters who are not engaged in mainstream sports.

Linford and Darren are at each Street Athletics event to encourage local people to get involved. The main element of the programme is a 60m sprint, where any young person can participate. This results in a series of Finals where the top three boys and girls in each age group (U13/15/17/20) are invited to attend the Grand Final.

In addition to the 60m sprints, Street Athletics offers young people the opportunity to showcase their musical/dance talents in front of their peers in their own Boroughs and potentially at the Street Athletics Final.

Fire Station - Drove Road, Open day

Fire Station, Drove Road Open Day

On Saturday 4th July 2009 the Fire Station in Drove Road held their open day. It was a really busy day and lots of things going on for people. There were lots of young children having a fabulous time in the Fire Engines - using a water hose and being meeting Blaze Bear.

This year Drove Road Fire Station celebrate 50 years and have a campaign running called 50-4-50. The campaign aims to raise £50,000 for the Fire fighter's Charity.

The Fire Station allow's the Broadgreen Tasking Group to hold their tasking group meeting's at the Station.

3 members of the Broad Street Area Community Council asked if they could go along and hold a table top sale and name the teddy and monkey game - they raised £101 for the fire charity as a thank you for helping our community.

There were so many people attend on the day and everyone was so happy and well behaved. It was a great day.

THE BIG LUNCH 19th July 2009 - Broadgreen

On Sunday 19th July 2009 THE BIG LUNCH is happening in Brodgreen.

Gladstone Street, from Manchester Road - Broad Street is being closed off and
we are using the Youth Room of the Broadgreen Centre to have a street party and
celebrate the big lunch.

Broadgreen Tasking meeting minutes 27th May 2009

Broadgreen Tasking Group meeting minutes
1. Welcome and introductions.
2. Apologies for absence.
Approve minutes from meeting 27/05/09
Matters Arising from minutes 27/05/09

Broad Street Area Community Council meeting minutes 3rd June .2009

Broad Street Area Community Council meeting minutes 03.06.09

PRESENT: Chair Karen Leakey, Vice-Chair Derek Sutton, Secretary and Archivist Kevin Leakey, Treasurer John Phillips, Karen Coulthard, Kath Cridland, John and Pam Freegard, Tim French, Kate Johnson, Rebecca McIntosh, Val Purvis, Madge Sutton, Ros Timlin, Roy Townsend, Chris from Gooch St.

ALSO PRESENT: John Taylor - Broadgreen Community Plan, Councillor Derique Montaut, PC Diffin, PC McIntyre, Sgt. Stalder.