A move in the right direction? Let’s hope so. At least if this does happen it will be an improvement on the views we have to look at now.

With regards to the relocation of Carfax Street health centre, this will be moving to the old Police Station site but not until 2012 and the present building will not be closed until the new one is open. Carlton Street car park will also be moving to the same site.
In the past couple of years representatives of the NSC have attended a number of our monthly meetings, they have also recently joined the Broadgreen Police Tasking Group and have offered to visit the Community Council once again in 2009 to keep us updated on the regeneration progress.
*About Union Square, from the NSC website:
Union Square will be a flagship regeneration project for the town centre, which will provide up to 160,000 sq m of high quality new offices and new homes. It will also help to rejuvenate the town's leisure opportunities, providing new shops, restaurants, cafes and a new hotel, creating a safe and vibrant family friendly area throughout the day and into early evening.
In addition to delivering new buildings, Union Square will include a range of new public realm and facilities to improve local people and the visitor's experience of Swindon. These include the provision of walkable streets and attractive new open public spaces, a new and improved bus interchange, a new facility for the Primary Care Trust, and high quality car parking in a new multi - storey car park.